What does Sanity do
Think of mental health in phasmophobia as your health and it will mostly make sense. Of course, you won't die immediately if you leave your sanity to the bottom, but it greatly increases the chances of it happening. You can still keep track of your sanity via the board inside the truck, and you'll want to do this because anyone with too low sanity will draw the ghost towards them and cause more ghostly activity in the truck. 'together.
The average sanity of all players is also something to track, as the ghost will react if only players with low sanity walk inside the house. The lower it is, the more active it will be, possibly triggering a hunt that could kill a player. Just try to get players on bikes in and out as their sanity drops, especially on larger maps that require more exploration. You will want to do this because any time you spend inside the haunted house will make you lose your mind, but especially if you are walking around in the dark. Using a Ouija board, seeing the ghost, or interacting with a voo doo doll will also make you lose your mind.
Lit candles and lit lights will help you slow down, but won't keep you from losing your mind. Avoiding the haunted room and ghostly activity will also help. Yurei will also drop your sanity much faster, as well as the stage's difficulty level. Of course, sometimes you have to come across these things and your sanity will drop as a result. So what do you do when your sanity is too low?
How to find sanity
There is only one way to improve your sanity. Before the start of missions where you are concerned about your sanity, you will want to purchase and add sanity pills to your team's inventory. You can bring four of these with you, which you might want to do for all matches but especially for larger cards. These pills will restore 40% of your sanity which means you can never get it back to 100% so always keep that in mind. To use them, just pick them up and equip them then right click.
But these are the answers to what sanity does in phasmohobia and how to regain sanity, and here we are with the answers.