Ritual upgrades
- The Monstrous Treasure Prophecy can no longer activate in maps where blood-filled ships are used.
- Unwelcome Ritual Encounters will no longer apply Poisonous Vines unless you stop moving during the Ritual Encounter.
- The Obtain Ritual Base Types challenge now requires you to exchange the Tribute for 9 of the 27 Ritual Base Types.
- Fixed a bug where ritual altars could not be interacted with if all monsters that spawned inside the ritual circle were killed outside of it.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Blight encounters if they were too close to a Ritual Altar.
- Fixed a bug where certain monsters could remain stationary during ritual encounters.
- Fixed a bug where certain monsters influenced by Conquerors could be invisible during ritual encounters.
- Fixed a bug where some Elder-influenced monsters could be immune to damage for a short time after being resurrected during a ritual encounter.
- Fixed a bug where the estuary map boss could become invisible after being resurrected during a ritual encounter.
- Fixed a bug where the Spider Lair map boss could sometimes disappear if a ritual encounter was completed near the boss.
General improvements
- Reduced the lifespan of level 4 harvest bosses.
- A short grace period has been added between the phases of the old guardians.
- Cards influenced by The Shaper or The Elder can no longer be obtained as a reward for completing levels 1-4 of the Maven Challenge for an Atlas region.
- Stone Golem's attack range has been increased and will now use its Slab Slam and Rolling Stone skills more often.
- The Bramble Valley card can no longer cast the Twinned modifier.
- Water birds spawned during the Forking River map boss encounter now spawn less often, deal less damage, and explode with a longer delay after being hit.
- The Whirlpool skill used by the Forking River Map boss now requires the player to be further away from the boss and persist for a shorter duration.
- The Repeated Water Lance skill used by the Forking River map boss now requires the player to be within a radius closer to the boss. The boss also spins at a slower speed when using this skill.
- The teleportation skill used by the boss of the Forking River map no longer deals damage.
- Fixed a bug where the Uncharted Realms Atlas Passive Tree would not unlock correctly after defeating The Maven.
- Fixed a bug where shards and emblems of the incorrect faction could be obtained when encountering the Legion.
- Fixed a bug where certain map bosses could sometimes fail to advance to their next phase if they were frozen.
- Fixed a bug where totems were not counted as allies.
- Fixed a bug where the chance to dodge spell damage was only calculated once for all three repeated hits of the Forking River map boss's water lance.
- Fixed a bug where graveyard map bosses could become invulnerable when using Exploding Arrow.
- Fixed a bug where Ballista Totems and Magic Totems would incorrectly calculate their lifespan based on the level of the supported Skill Gem, rather than the level of their Support Gem.
- Fixed a bug with the Arcane Surge buff where the strongest source of the buff was not always prioritized.
- Fixed a bug with the Fortify buff where the strongest source of the buff was not always prioritized.
- Fixed a bug where the Hydrosphere skill could sometimes fail to deal damage if a monster lost the Drenched debuff after creating a new Hydrosphere.
- Fixed a bug with the skill Wave of Conviction where repeating the skill (for example with Spell Echo or Unleash Support) could result in monsters only hit by one of the waves.
- Fixed a bug with the Slayer Impact ancestry passive where the "5% increased area of effect per enemy killed recently, up to 50%" modifier was not working correctly.
- Fixed a bug with channeling skills not working as intended while being affected by an echoing shrine.
- Fixed a visual bug where the Conqueror Tracker on the Atlas could sometimes display the incorrect number of cards required to open portals to fight the Conqueror.
- Fixed a bug where Anointed Amulets would not hide their passive skill information when viewing their advanced mod descriptions.
- Fixed a visual bug where the passive skill information from hovering an anointed amulet could sometimes appear larger than intended.
- Fixed a visual bug with the feathers of the Doomcrow weapon effect being the wrong color.
- Fixed a visual bug where the Maven Map Device button could appear on the Map Device without being unlocked.
Crash fixes
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when using the Roc Sentinel Legion monster as a Specter.
- Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when encountering Tul, Creeping Avalanche.
- Fixed a common instance crash.