Our review of the Fitbit Ace 3, the tracker for kids aged six and up. And when we say “ours” we don't use the plural maiestatis, because the writer tested the watch for a few days and then lent it to his eight-year-old daughter. Let's see how she went.
Fitbit Ace 3: For kids and adults
The review of the Fitbit Ace 3, which we presented to you as a new generation tracker for children aged six and up, can only start from the legitimate doubt of the reader: a wearable for children? And where are the guarantees? Quickly said: in the family account.
To use Ace 3 you need to create a Fitbit family account, after downloading the official app.
From the family account, you can create a parent view and a child view. Parent view allows dads and mothers to keep an eye on their children's activities, check for any connection attempts and moderate friend requests.
The child view allows children aged six and over to check on the app the statistics, the medals earned for achieving certain objectives and the various interchangeable clock faces.
Anyone who creates a family account can assign others as a child or guardian.

Installation and configuration
App installation, account setup and tracker setup via Bluetooth (as well as subsequent synchronizations) are quick and intuitive. Ace 3 compatibility is guaranteed with over 200 iOS and Android devices.
Once you have created an ad hoc account for your child, a summary email is sent to the email address entered during registration. Where is explained how to switch from child view to parent view, and how to delete a child account.
The only two minor problems: the email contains two links, one to the Fitbit help article on the family account and another to the privacy policy for the child account. But the former doesn't work and the latter leads to a page in English.

Fitbit Ace 3: the review on an adult's wrist
In the couple of days of "adult" testing, it was first of all possible to appreciate the aesthetics and construction materials of Ace 3. It is a tracker in sober colors (in our case, black with red buckle), easy to wear, with the flexible silicone strap and guaranteed water resistance up to fifty meters deep.
The touchscreen and two large side buttons make using and switching from one screen to another as simple as ever.
Another important aspect, parents have the right to intervene on daily goals, which by default are set at 60 minutes of activity per day and 250 steps per hour (as well as 9 hours of sleep per night).
The tracker is clear in use and nice on the clock screen, available in about twenty versions. Just let the child choose the one she prefers on the app, and activate it on the wearable via synchronization.

Fitbit Ace 3: the review on a child's wrist
But the final word is up to my daughter, the real recipient of this tracker.
While not particularly geek, she immediately understood the logic of the double side button and the touch screen. He quickly discovered all the features and their reading on the app. In particular, the child view gives access to the Activities and Wellness section, in turn divided into Daily Activity (with the minimum of activities and steps already seen), Training (where you can choose how many days a week are dedicated to physical activity) and Sleep. This last sub-category includes not only a minimum number of hours, but also the setting of the time to go to bed (with possible sending of reminders) and that of awakening.
Sleep and physical activity are monitored by a three-axis accelerometer.
By mail: the particularly curious child will not be able to access the parent view. Because, unlike the opposite step, in this case it is necessary to enter the password chosen when creating the family account (which, hopefully, remains in the possession of the parents only).
The daily activity statistics are visible directly on the wrist, as well as the timer, the stopwatch and - for children who own a smartphone (not my daughter) - call notifications can be activated.

- Up to 8 days of autonomy
- With virtual medals, animated clock faces and custom avatars, kids have all the motivation to ...
- Fitbit Ace 3 records all daily active steps and minutes: find out how every move, jump or kick the ball ...
To conclude
Ace 3 is a simple, practical, inexpensive tracker (€ 79,90 on the official store). He has aautonomy up to 8 days with a full battery charge, and is also available in blue with green buckle. The interchangeable Minions straps will soon be available for purchase at a price of 29,95 euros.
Perhaps some doubts about the appropriateness of using a wearable by small children (let's say at least six to eight years old) remain. But it is also true that this could be a first approach - intelligent and safe - to technology, which (whether we like it or not) pervades us by now.
And it is above all a good way to encourage young people to exercise daily. Having fun, and also with the encouragement of adults, who can insert into the Ace 3 nice reminders to get them moving. The data on childhood obesity are increasingly alarming, and it would be a pleasant paradox if it were the tech objects - among the first accused when it is said that today's children do not move - to help our children to struggle.