Ground Assault is a new mission that is part of the Scarlet Spear event in Warframe. The mission involves taking on enemies Sentient and Grineer as you try to get codes of destruction for the squads playing Murex Raids, the other half of the new event.
How to get your OpLink
Before you can play Ground Assault, you must obtain an OpLink. Head to the Scarlet Lance Flotilla which you can find orbiting Earth in your Navigator, near the Strata Relay.

Load up and you will arrive at the main operating room. You can find Little Duck on the right side. Speak with her and she will introduce you to the operation. When she's finished speaking, you can buy her an OpLink for 1000 credits.
When purchasing the OpLink, be sure to place it in your cogwheel before starting a mission. You can find an Arsenal station on the left side of the room.
How to start the ground assault

With the OpLink in your cogwheel, you can begin a Ground Assault mission by heading to the console on the right side of the room.
What to do in assault on the ground
In Ground Assault, you have to kill the Condrix, a new sentient enemy. A marker will show where the next Condrix will fall, so just follow the waypoint to get there once you're on a mission.
When the Condrix falls to the ground, damage it by shooting the glowing orb in the center of the nearly flowered structure. After about a third of the health, he will become invulnerable, and you will need to take out some sentient enemies.
Combat follows this pattern until the Condrix is dead. When the last damage phase is over, take out the remaining sentient enemies, then open your cogwheel and place your OpLink.
You will have to protect it from the Grinner who will attack your position during this game. The OpLink will scan the Condrix and send destruction codes to a player who is in the middle of a Murex raid. Once the analysis is complete, a new waypoint will appear that will take you to the next Condrix.
You don't need to get your OpLink back, and if it's not being used by the scan, you can simply replace it from the cogwheel when you beat the next Condrix.
After that, just rinse and repeat as many times as you can and then extract when the fighting gets a little too fierce for your team.
Elimination codes are automatically received by available players and you don't have to do anything special after sending them.
You'll need to remove at least four Condrixes before the mission's extraction option opens.
Weaknesses Condrix
The Condrix is made of ferrite armor and flesh. Ferrite armor is weak for corrosion and puncture damage, while flesh is weak for virus, toxin, and gash damage. As long as you bring a weapon that deals any of these damage types, you need to be effective against it.
You also need to bring a range of damage types to your other weapons, as Sentients will be able to develop immunity to whatever damage type you hit them with.
Remember, you can stay in the mission as long as Condrix continues to spawn, but each will evolve to be a bit more difficult than the last.