Building a base is one of the most important mechanics of No Man's Sky, and the developers at Hello Games have made it even deeper and more complex in the update named No Man’s Sky Next . Knowing how to claim a base in No Man's Sky is really crucial to progress in the game, but so is knowing how to build a base in the space exploration game. To help you get started, we'll show you how to claim your first base and start building bases in No Man's Sky.
How to claim a base
Claiming a base in No Man's Sky basically makes the land around the structure yours so that other players can't destroy or ruin it. This allows you to build freely without having to worry about other players coming into the world and might do something nefarious against your hard work. It also allows you to see where your base is, which means you can go back there later.
One of the biggest changes made to base construction No Man’s Sky Next is the removal of prefabricated parts as the main building elements. Instead, these have been replaced by individual walls, roofs, doors and more. This gives you more control over the appearance of the base as a whole and you can unlock a ton of new construction pieces as you explore through the game world.
To start and claim your base, you'll need to make some progress in the plot of the game. At some point in the story, you'll travel to a new planet, where you'll find a broadcast that will reward you with construction plans for the base computer. To build it, you'll need to acquire some heavy materials such as Chromatic Metal.
How to build a base
Once the computer is built, it's time to find a base and get ready to settle in. Ideally, you should find a planet that has no harshness whatsoever, such as a harsh climate. Unfortunately, you'll have to make do unless you have unlimited patience. It may happen to find a planet with a very high temperature and therefore not exactly ideal for installing a command base, but the random and procedural nature of the game may force you to build the base anyway where you hadn't planned to.
However, once you find the planet, place the computer where you want to claim the base, then choose the option that allows you to do so. This will lock the computer in place. When you're ready, start building.
You can open the build menu by pressing Z. This will display all the different types of items currently available. Go ahead and take some time to get used to the options and make sure you prepare for the resource collection. Items can take a lot of resources if you want a properly sized base, so for now it might be better to stick with something simple and more contained.