This doesn't mean that they are unbeatable. Below you'll find screenshots and tips for handling each boss fight. Whether you're fighting a demonic general with a giant sword or a three-eyed Yokai owl, Chapter 3 bosses have their own unique challenges for you to solve. As always, learning to Burst against their deadliest attacks is incredibly important, and depleting their stamina makes them vulnerable to attacks.
Check out all of the boss guides for Chapter 3 below.
12 Tips to Get You Started Killing Yokai Beginner's Guide | How to beat every boss | Ch. 1: Mezuki, Enera and Yatsu-no-Kami | How to beat every boss | Ch. 2: Imagawa Yoshimoto, Kamaitachi and Saito Yoshitatsu

How to beat Tatarimokke
The three-eyed owl fights on the ground and in the air, using its wings and talons to strike. In the region, it summons soul-like projectiles to follow you, or launches a fan of feathers in a large bow. It will fire a laser from the central eye at a longer distance, and if you spin behind it, it will glide its wings in a 360 degree rotation.
There are green barrels all over the arena - destroying them will give your sword purifying power. It temporarily deals more damage against Yokai. This is especially useful when the giant owl invokes the kingdom of darkness.
Once in the Dark Realm, the remaining "eyes" will appear as a glowing orb. To dispel the dark realm, you will have to destroy the red orb. This will temporarily stun the monster if you are fast. Use the Purify buff on your sword when targeting the Red Eye in the Dark Realm - the Red Eye makes the entrance area dark and summons a constant stream of globes.
The seizure attack is fast and wide. When he tries to grab you run - don't dodge!
Destroying the Red Orbs will slowly blind him, limiting his magical ability until all three eyes are finally shattered. When blind, the boss mostly stays on the ground and attacks with simple wing / heel attacks. He will occasionally use the laser, but he will not summon more Soul Projectiles.
Counter Burst when it rushes forward while glowing, and destroy the eyes in the Dark Realm when they appear. You can also grow eyes earlier with ranged attacks, but it's a bit difficult to pull off.

How to beat Magare Naotaka
This general transforms into a muscular Yokai with his arm in a sling. He swings a huge Odachi with one arm and he's extremely aggressive. It's too fast for your slower weapons, so I recommend switching to a regular sword - anything that can keep up with it. The trick is just to find a good opportunity to attack!
In normal form, he has a red burst attack. It's very slow, so be patient before trying Burst Counter! Learn how to crush it. Practice until you find out. It is important to lower your anima meter and make it vulnerable. When he summons the Dark Realm, you can counter a spinning sword attack. It is extremely easy to counter.
The only time to do significant damage against the boss is when you fully lower his Anima Meter and stun him. Unlock skills for your weapons that lower their anima meter. Get stunner moves like shoulder to dump his anima meter, use the burst counters, and hit him hard while he's stunned. He is not recovering his maximum.
Stay close to him and try to stay close to the sling arm. If you stay close to this arm, you can more easily avoid his sweeping Odachi attacks.

How to beat Azai Nagamasa
A one-winged clawed swordsman, he uses Yokai magic in conjunction with his one-handed katana technique. Like the player character, he has his own counterguard position, so don't attack when he's ready for you. While guarding, he can summon feather projectiles or generate explosive explosions from the ground. Just dodge left or right to escape the explosions.
In the Dark Realm, Azai will develop a second wing and start attacking much faster. It can dive around the battle zone, launching semi-tracking golden feathered projectiles. Be prepared for a tough fight - he moves slowly, but he's extremely fast. It will trigger sudden attacks which may surprise you.
In the Dark Realm and Normal Forms, Azai will glow red from a distance and rush forward. This is when you can counter Burst, and it's pretty straightforward - he'll unleash this attack from the ground or from the sky. Like any boss, exhausting your maximum stamina makes it a lot easier.
For the final boss of this chapter, Azai isn't particularly difficult. His attacks are predictable. Take your time, reduce it, exhaust its stamina and you will defeat it.