Deck list:
We're in the fourth round, the game is literally glowing. One of the two players, from the top of his control deck is trying to gain complete dominance of the battlefield by storing board sweepers, creature bounces and little else. The game sees the control player with eight life points strutting about his not yet achieved but close, almost tangible victory. The control player, strong with his four mana still drawable through the uncorked lands, feels safe.
On the other side we find a player who, through simply red colored mana, starts ringing one after the other a series of creatures and spells capable of doing direct damage to the opponent, in defiance of the board sweepers (not fast enough to allow the player to control not to take damage) and in defiance of all that open mana; there are not enough countermages to save himself from four different threats.
Eight life points simply disappear without ever coming back, this is the story of how any single-coloured budget deck is able to tackle even more complicated and altogether dangerous decks with courage and determination; a single-coloured deck against reason and the control applied by the rest of the goal.
In the course of this small article we're going to see as a player a mono red deck at the time of Magic The Gathering: Arena, this time in a version a bit more creative but not without explosiveness. Take all your prettiest mountains from the database and start assembling them together to give life to the deck in question; welcome Red Deck Wins
Red Deck Wins List
Nº Cards4 | Anax, Hardened in the Forge. |
4 | Fervent Champion |
4 | Grim Initiate |
2 | Phoenix of Ash |
4 | Rimrock Knight |
4 | Runaway Steam-Kin |
2 | Scorch Spitter |
4 | Light Up the Stage |
4 | Infuriate |
4 | Shock |
3 | Embercleave |
18 | Mountain |
3 | Castle Embereth |
Today's deck we're going to analyze presents virtually all the most important cards of the various archetypes that fall within the aggro world: creatures that are fast and aggressive, or with enter the battlefield abilities that are unlikely to do damage to the opponent, or spells that can inflict direct damage to creatures and opponents for derisory mana costs. Luckily, the deck can also solve some of the most common problems for a red deck by inserting similar fishing engines into the deck to bring the hand back to life.
The deck, first of all, presents all the most important and powerful barrels among those present in the expansions currently in rotation: we have four copies of Shock and Lightning Strike, i.e. 2 damage to target for one mana and 3 damage to target for two mana at instant speed, on any occasion and for any reason; then we have other types of cards such as Lava Coil, Skewer The Critics and Wizard's Lightning. One of the two simply tries to mimic the immortal Lightning Bolt while the other is able to take down creatures a little bigger than normal, taking them out of the battlefield for good if it succeeds in taking them down. Skewer The Critics, latest arrival, is a bit 'a lightning bolt that you can pay very little mana if you have already managed to do damage to our opponent, rather simple matter given the abnormal amount of cards dedicated to this purpose within the deck.
These four cards, let's say the fulcrum of the deck, are joined by an imposing series of creatures whose only purpose is massacre and represent the slaughter cards that should tow the deck to victory.
The sixteen creatures in the deck are so divided:
Four copies of Fanatical Firebrand: nice figure that costs little, does practically certain damage and is able to make us nullify a few shots sacrificing it during the damage count phase. Since every damage is important inside such a fast deck, we find ourselves with a versatile card that is right and able to make us gradually approach the victory.
Four copies of Ghitu Lavarunner, in a bunch with such a high number of speels, are practically perfect. The creature during the first two rounds of the game will generally be just a way to avoid taking damage from enemy creatures if castrated, but in the following rounds it'll be able to beat its opponent for two damage at a time with speed, which is quite important for such a fast-paced deck.
Even the four copies of Viashino Pyromancer have more or less the same meaning: for two mana this creature is able to inflict two direct damage to the opponent (or to a harassing planeswalker), going to simplify the matter a bit; if two damage are not enough you can always attack with this nice pyromancer (which is also the right subtype to pay less for the aforementioned Wizard's Lightning) always for two damage at a time.
And last but not least, the four copies of Goblin Chainwhirler, the spearhead of the bunch able to clean up the board, parry harassing creatures and do some very respectful damage for only three red mana. Among the many creatures inside the goal this is certainly the best as it can make interesting asymmetric sweeps that can also take down larger creatures when played together with the above mentioned barrels.
The fishing engines of this mono Red aggro are perhaps the two most important card that have once again given enamel to an archetype that has always suffered the most advanced shifts of the game.
Light Up The Stage for example, just as Skewer The Critics possesses the spectacle skill and allows the player to take a pair of cards in his hand and then throw them with extreme violence against the opponent for a single mana if damage has been done; doing damage when virtually all the non-earth cards in the deck have been created for this purpose is not particularly difficult.
The icing on the cake is given by Risk Factor, a card that for three mana puts the opponent in a bad situation: four damage or three new cards in the hand of the player who threw it?
In both cases, the person who suffers such a card in general always loses something because the three cards drawn could easily inflict more than four damage.
Finally, let's take a quick look at the manabase of the deck, very simple since it is composed only by 20 Mountains; no non-base lands that can be destroyed, nor other cards that could create synergies. The deck simply wants to see the mana ground at least once per round as the game is generally won during the first rounds.
Basically Monored Aggro is a bunch simple to use and easy to assemble, without any rare mythical details or non base earths to be cracked with wildcards. It is a deck recommended to all those who are starting with the world of Magic The Gathering because it perfectly embodies a precise playstyle and does not require particular experience to be used to its full potential.