Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord's most recent patch has posed a problem for a lot of players. After downloading the patch, many people cannot start their backup. After receiving a message informing them of a mod incompatibility, players are prompted to indicate if they want to load the file with the correct mods.
Some people may click Yes and the game will load just fine, while others may not be able to get it to work at all. On top of that, some of the players who can play the game after choosing to launch with the correct mods experience crashing issues after a few hours of playing.
The root of the problem seems to be that the save files of the old version of the game check which mod version they are launched in, and when they do not match, you will be asked if you want to use the new mods. This type of compatibility is normally automatic between versions of the game, but it does not appear to be the case here.
After that, it's hard to guess why the save files ultimately seem to become unstable when used in the new version of the game. While you can revert to the old version of the game in the Steam Beta tab, that doesn't. also does not seem to solve the problem for the users.
So far the only workaround we have found is to start a new campaign in the new version of the game, to avoid any possible instability issues. It's not perfect, but it is something, and these things happen when you play a game in Early Access.
We will investigate the issue further and update this article with all the information provided by developer Taleworlds. For now, this seems to be the only workaround if you are affected by this crash / no load issue.