Capcom today showed what new moves the Insect Falchion and l 'bow in Monster Hunter World Iceborne, the DLC coming out this year.
The return of the aerial style
Il Insect Falchion will receive some substantial additions to its moveset. First of all it will be able use the new Clutch Claw even in mid-air, to be able to cling to a monster at any time. Additionally, you will be able to consume Slingshot ammo for temporarily boost your Kinsetto, giving him more attack power or the ability to take two extracts in one shot depending on the type of ammunition used. He finally got a new attack executable in mid-air, which after hitting the monster will place a pheromone marker.
THEbow it is the first of the gunner weapons to be presented. At the push of a button you can alternate between arrows and slingshot ammo, and with a new attack called "Thousand Dragons" both types of projectiles can be launched in one shot.
With the Falcione Insetto the list of close-in weapons Monster Hunter World, leaving only the two Crossbows still to be discovered.
Please note that Monster Hunter World is already available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. Monster Hunter World Iceborne is a paid expansion that is slated for release the 6 September on console.