New development diary expected on July 3rd.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Update 4 will be released on July 9, according to the latest announcement from Capcom.
The news shared by Capcom
In addition, the Osaka company has confirmed that Event Missions in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will return to their normal rotation starting July 8. The schedule of the Event Missions will be updated on the official website of the game and in-game via the bulletin board available in the Tavern, player meeting hub on July 3rd.

A new developer diary will be released on July 3 at 5:00 am (7:00 am GMT) via Monster Hunter's Youtube and Twitch channels. Please note that this update will introduce a fearsome old knowledge to the game for fans of del brand, the elder dragon Alatreon.
After confronting two of Monster Hunter World's toughest and most aggressive monster variants: Iceborne, Rabid Brachydios and Furious Rajang, all of which were made available in the last update, the black dragon Alatreon's turn will come.
Are you ready to hunt for this interesting new entry in the already dense roster of the expansion?

Some more information on the new enemy:
The Alatreon is an elementally unstable elder dragon, as he can control the elements of Fire, Thunder, Dragon, and Ice. When weakened, it takes off and rains ice crystals on the ground. He uses the Ice and Thunder elements only when he is in flight and is said to possess the powers of all the Classic Elder Dragons (i.e. Kushala Daora, Teostra, Lunastra and Chameleos) but that he does not know how to use them because he does not yet have full control over them. his skills.
We can't wait to take him down and make his set of weapons and armor ours and you?
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is a Monster Hunter: World expansion already available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One e PC.
For more information on this, we invite you to take a look at our review and to our guides on the rare endemic fauna and on optional missions.
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Source: Gematsu