How to start Iceborne on PC
Iceborne is a post-game expansion for Monster Hunter World, which means you'll need to complete the entire main campaign before you even think about starting the DLC. You'll know you've beaten the long campaign once you've killed Xeno'jiiva, the huge blue monstrosity which is the last boss in the game. If you haven't beaten Xeno'jivva yet, then don't worry; it's largely a push, especially with a group. The Elder Dragons that precede it are much more difficult.
Once you're in the post-game, the process of starting Iceborne is pretty straightforward. A new quest will appear in Astera. You will be sent to explore the Ancient forest, which then triggers the events of the 30+ hour extension. Very soon after your excursion to the ancient forest you will unlock the new Frost Reach zone and almost immediately start the fight with one of the new monsters.
How to prepare for Iceborne
While you can technically start Iceborne as soon as you log in if you've completed the main game, there are a few things you need to consider first. Every quest in the expansion is brand new Master rank difficulty, which means that you will need some high-end gear to be able to play at an acceptable level during the starting quests. Luckily, Capcom gives everyone a free bundle of great gear called the Guardian armor et Defender Weapons. Guardian armor is available to everyone for free, even if you haven't completed the main campaign yet. It's meant to help outdated players get through old content quickly, and to help returning players prepare more for the challenges of Iceborne.
If you are completely new to the world of Monster Hunter, you can select the Guardian set under the "Default Armor" option during character creation to start with some amazing gear. To get the Guardian's armor as the returning player, simply head to your room in Astera. Talk to your Governess and select Claim Add-on & Bonuses> Armor Set: Guardian> Yes. It will require armor. Go ahead and claim it Weapon Early Upgrade Material Set while you are there too. To get your hands on a Defender weapon, head to the Smithy, where you can craft any type of weapon you want for just 1 Iron Ore and 600z. The set of materials you have requested in your room will provide you with more than enough to get started. These weapons and armor can be used throughout the base game and until the start of Iceborne.
With Guardian Armor equipped and Defender Weapon in hand, it's time to venture out and brave the frigid region of Hoarfrost Reach and take on some fierce new beasts. Have fun and, as always, don't forget to eat a hearty meal in the canteen before you go.