After first tried and from very few weeks from the release of title full, Capcom has released an unexpected (but not too much) update to the demo di Monster Hunter Rise. The Japanese house has decided to let us taste the terrible flames of the cover monster, the fiercest and deadly one Wyvern Zannuto, Called Magnamalo added in this new chapter.
Demo 2.0
Though apparently the new version of the demo seems add only the Magnamalo if analyzed more in depth it turns out that this is not the case at all: in fact the game appears more fluid and above all more defined e clean to see, letting us try a build relatively close to what will be the experience of final product.

Sharpen your weapons
Le 14 weapons made available to the player remain the same as well as the armature. Rise adopt the brand new combat system introduced in Monster Hunter World however adding its own mechanics unique or the wire insect that you will allow di climbing walls e montagne or launch powerful attacks with your weapons.
Lethal Beauty
Il Magnamalo it almost seems in armor, given that the flakes that cover his body are arranged in such a way that remember precisely the armor of a samurai, will also be able to use "Infernal Flames”Which most of the time will result fatal to the hunter. The design of the monster is fantastic it's a lot inspired you will be fascinated by his several times pride e ferocity.

Capcom it usually makes more resistant ed aggressive i monsters present in demo to give a touch of more challenge, as happened in that of Monster Hunter World with Nergigante. In the case of Rise however the clash seemed to us exaggeratedly difficult and not suitable for everyone, so much so that even now in many they can't defeat him remaining inside the very limited time of the 15 minutes. The monster indeed will inflict un huge quantity of danno and in most cases take a single shot will be equal to one fainting and consequently to a further waste of time to return to his area.
After several attempts and an infinity of fainting we managed to take it down within the time limit, thanks also to the fantastic mechanics area of wyvern mount that allows us to to ride un monster and use it for attack a second, this mechanic has us fully convinced and we can't wait to try it too all other monsters.
Well built map
Il level design of the Sacred Ruins è well done and we have valued especially the possibility of climb any wall thanks to'insect thread e run around in saddle to our Canyne. Also the endemic fauna was improved ed perfectly integrated in game world, in fact it will be possible attract the monster where you want through the "Fetorbestia"Or still obtain from"Spiriuccelli"Of the permanent buffs, such as more resistance or greater attack e defense.

It doesn't get more Oriental than this
Lovers Rising Sun. they will definitely be fascinated from this title, the colonna sonora, the monsters and l 'setting they scream Feudal Japan from all pores and of this we can only be happy about it.
Kamura awaits us

In conclusion this demo There is liked it a lot, more for the improvements to the technical sector that for the monster in itself since it was insert a artificial difficulty rather frustrating. Having said that we can't wait to put your hands on full title, which we remind you to be out on March 26 2021 su Nintendo Switch, to succeed in take you our final opinion on the title. Happy Hunting!