We are all familiar with Battle Royale. It's the biggest new multiplayer in years, thanks to the success of and the explosive popularity of. The new Warzone follows this familiar formula - you drop with over 100 players on a giant map with nothing, collect items, and try to be the last team standing. Last year, Blackout followed a similar formula, but Warzone is a very different beast than that.
And if you're curious about this new Gulag feature, check out our guide on how respawning works in the new Warzone Battle Royale.

Do I have to own Modern Warfare to play Warzone Battle Royale?
No! If you don't have it, you can still play Warzone Battle Royale - it's a separate free download that's available to everyone on March 10th.
You also don't need to download the separate F2P version to play Battle Royale. Simply download all of the latest updates to unlock the new "Warzone" main menu tab.
Do I need Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus subscriptions to play Warzone Battle Royale online?
You don't need PS Plus, but you will need Xbox Live Gold to play online. This is another totally arbitrary choice - some games are the opposite, but this one requires an Xbox Live Gold membership to play online.

Is Warzone Battle Royale single-player or squad-only?
Warzone's two modes - Plunder and Battle Royale - are both squad-only, you won't be able to play solo in either mode. You will automatically be associated with a team. It is possible to play alone (or with a partner) but you will be severely handicapped.
How many players per game?
150 players will fall in each session - this is 1v149. This makes it one of the biggest Battle Royales in the game today. The second largest modern warfare is ground warfare, with a maximum of 64 players.
Do guns work differently in Battle Royale?
No. Weapons are exactly the same in Warzone as in other Modern Warfare modes. The only difference is that you can find them in loot crates and use them. Long range is more important here, so precise assault rifles are essential.
All weapons do the same damage, have the same bullet drop, and have the same handling. The only (slight) change is headshots - headshots generally do more damage in Warzone Battle Royale.

How does health work? Is it different from other modern modes of warfare?
Instead of healing with items, you will automatically regenerate like in other modes. Don't take too much damage at the same time and you will come back to 100%. It also means you can die much, much faster than in other Battle Royale games - that includes.
You can find pieces of armor that protect different parts of your body. The heavier the armor, the more damage you can take before descending.
Is the circle fatal? How long can I survive outside the circle?
The circle is extremely deadly in Warzone Battle Royale - but, it is also very slow. You can get past the circle if you sprint, but if you get caught in the circle you won't last long. You will take damage, you will not be able to see due to the thick green fog, and you will be stunned.
An optional gas mask pickup can help you survive in the circle. But don't expect to be in the gas for long. Even if you have a high level rare gas mask, it will break in about 15 seconds. Standard gas masks will give you even less time in the gas.

How does the inventory work?
Inventory is simplified in Warzone Battle Royale - the emphasis is much more on immediate action. On the console, press (Left / Right) on the D-Pad to access your Quick Inventory. Ammunition is assigned to each type of weapon. Armor is automatically equipped and dropped when collecting loot, and weapon mods are specific to each weapon.
Weapons and gear drop in a tier system - better weapons with automatically equipped mods (called Blueprints) drop from loot less frequently. Similar to Blackout, you'll want to loot drop kits first to get the best loot.
Does Warzone Battle Royale have a ping system?
Yes! Press (Up) on the D-Pad to ping - you can summon loot, enemy players, or places you want your team to move. Ping is a bit of a nuisance, but you'll be able to easily communicate with your team without voice or text chat.
Is there skill-based matchmaking?
No. Like ground warfare, Warzone doesn't offer skill-based matchmaking - you'll be placed on a map with players of all skill levels. You could even team up with them!

How big is the new Battle Royale map?
It's huge - about 30 times the size of a land war map. Just check out this visual representation shared by u / GaabbbaaaFACE on Reddit to give you an idea.
Are there vehicles to use?
Yes! Like in Blackout, you'll have access to vehicles that you can drive on the map - ATVs, jeeps, trucks, and helicopters with rifles mounted are all available for use in Warzone.
What are operators? Are they like heroes?
Yes and no. Operators are specific characters with their own unique, Operator-specific cosmetics like skins. Operators are purely cosmetic, however - you won't get any special abilities or powers. All operators are equal on the battlefield, they just look different.
Is there a Battle Pass?
Yes, you can purchase a premium Battle Pass to unlock 100 levels of optional additional content. The Battle Pass costs 1000 points COD ($ 10 ~). All of the content is cosmetic, so the Battle Pass is not necessary if you just want to have fun and play Warzone.
The Warzone Battle Pass and The Battle Pass are the same - if you purchase the Battle Pass, you will be able to earn rewards in Modern Warfare multiplayer and in Warzone.
You will unlock the Battle Pass levels even if you don't own the Battle Pass, but you will need to purchase the full Battle Pass to claim your rewards.
What are COD points? How can I earn them?
COD Points carry over from Modern Warfare and can be used to purchase premium content in Warzone. COD points can be purchased in bundles and cost around $ 1 ~ for 100 COD points.
You can earn COD Points in Warzone - you can earn up to 300 COD Points without purchasing the COD Battle Pass, and you can earn an additional 1000 COD Points with the fully purchased Battle Pass. If you meet all the level requirements, you can earn up to 1 COD Points in total. This is enough to unlock future Battle Passes for free.