With the massive success of Microsoft Flight Simulator comes a problem that all popular games face. Some players have reported accidents that abruptly interrupt the joy of flying. In this article, we'll go over some common crashes and potential fixes.
GPU driver issues
Make sure you are using the most up-to-date drivers for your GPU. For Nvidia users, this should be version 452.06. For AMD users, go to AMD Driver Support and insert your GPU model, then download the appropriate drivers.
Bad or unsupported devices
While reviewing the game, we experienced numerous crashes due to a faulty Xbox controller, and shutting down fixed our crashing issues. If you are using a controller or HOTAS, try running the game without the device connected to your PC. For people using flight sticks or dedicated yokes, you should check the manufactured website to ensure compatibility with the game.
Video memory
You might be having issues with the amount of video memory you have available, as Microsoft Flight Simulator is a pretty demanding game between texture streaming and the necessary physical calculations.
Depending on how much video memory you have available, you might want to test the following values. First, go to the Options menu, then General, then Graphics. Go to Texture resolution and set the following values according to your video memory:
- Less than 8 GB - High
- Less than 6 GB - Medium
- Less than 4 GB - Low
V-Sync issues
Some gamers have noticed that disabling V-Sync causes issues with GPU loading and have had good results turning it on. To do this, go to the Options menu, General, then Graphics. Look for the V-Sync option and enable it.
We will continue to add more solutions to common crashes as they are discovered.