Capcom has announced the arrival on the PC version of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne of the rabid Brachydios and the furious Rajang for the 9 April.
If you want more information on Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, we refer you to reading our articles onAlatreon announcement during developer diary 5 and on total sales of the title.
The two new monsters
The two variants aren't new, but they come from past games in the series. The Brachydios Rabbioso and the Rajang Furioso are already available on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One thanks to the13.00 update released on March 23rd.
The Furioso Rajang was first introduced in Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite, while the Brachydios Rabbioso (formerly known as Brachydios Brutale) was introduced with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
As for the new moves, in general the variants have never had noteworthy particularities in the moveset, even if from the trailer it is possible to see a new area attack that the variant of the Brachydios will be able to exploit.
To undertake both missions, you will first need to have completed the Iceborne campaign and unlocking the Guiding Lands: around the map you will find the angry Brachydios, the target of a special assignment entitled "All my anger".
The rabid Brachydios it's covered in a slimy slime that slides across the floor when you attack it. The slime covering him can also explode, but only if the hunters are too close to him. Additionally, its slime pools explode faster, doing massive damage.
When certain conditions are met, the Rabid Brachydios will head to a specific cave, subsequently trapping the player and temporarily setting it on fire.
In this situation, it will not be possible to escape or set traps, it will be necessary to face him until his death (in case he faints, he will return to base camp and he will be able to re-enter the area, even if it will be impossible to get out).
This creature is very vulnerable to ice, on average vulnerable to water, little vulnerable to thunder and dragon, and invulnerable to fire.
The special assignment of the Rajang furioso it is called "The blonde fury" and takes place in the frosty expanses. the Furious Rajang is not a Subspecies, but a Variant that always seems to be golden, as if it were always angry. Then when he gets mad, his fur stands on end and begins to glow with electricity.
As for the gameplay mechanics, it will also rely on some new moves from the medium to long range and a new grip, and its tail, one of the weak points, has been completely removed.
The monster will be weak to ice-type attacks, so you'll have to manage your equipment by exploiting its weakness in order to get the better of this fearsome monster. We remind you that the two variants will be available on PC from 8 April.