Head to industrial hubs for the best deals.
While you can buy and sell in most systems, industrial hubs have the best prices and inventory. Buying in a Conflict Zone should only be done if you need a quick replenishment, and even then you might not find what you need. Instead, look for systems connected by a dotted line on the Starmap. These are part of an industrial hub, and some may even offer rare mechs and weapons (these tend to be expensive, but more powerful than their peers in this industry). Additionally, mechs purchased outside of an industrial zone tend to be completely demolished, unlike mechs found in industrial zones, which are lightly damaged or fully repaired (rare and hero mechs).
Whether in an industrial zone or a conflict zone, the Market tab itself works the same. You have two options at the top right for BattleMechs and Gear, and below those you have Market (Buy) and Inventory (Sell). Right clicking will allow you to buy or sell the item you clicked on (depending on which tab you are in), and you can track your current funds in the upper right corner of the user interface. You can buy back equipment that is sold on the market, but expect it to be marked up to market value.
Keep in mind that every market is run by a faction and your reputation with them will either lower or inflate the prices. It is your responsibility to shop in areas where you are friends with customers.
In addition, you can access the equipment market from your MechLab. When selecting equipment, you will notice the Market tab above your list of items. It's a good way to round off your loadout from a single menu, and you can filter it in the same way as your standard inventory. Right click on the item you want to buy or drag it into your robot to buy it.
Likewise, as with selling items, higher level items sell best, especially in systems where they are not common. So, if you are looking to sell salvage equipment, find items that you have a surplus of that are not present in the market you are in. As for mechs, equipped and repaired mechs sell for more, but if you want to keep the equipment you have to first remove the robot in your MechLab and then return the robot to the market.
This is how you buy and sell in MechWarrior 5. For more guides, be sure to keep an eye out for our guides page.