How to unlock Black Widow in Marvel's Avengers
Black Widow is the fourth character unlocked in Marvel's Avengers. She joins your team after completing the mission titled "To Stand Alone". This mission takes place roughly halfway through the campaign. Kamala gets into trouble a little and Black Widow steps in to save the day. Once the mission is completed, you will be able to use Black Widow during the campaign and in multiplayer.
If you'd rather start using Natasha Romanoff earlier, there's a much faster way to unlock her. Switching to Avengers Initiative Mode from the main menu will immediately unlock all six playable heroes, including Black Widow. This mode takes place after the campaign, so there will be spoilers for the Avengers story. These spoilers are fairly mild and for the most part predictable, but there are still a few elements in the Marvel's Avengers campaign that are best experienced firsthand. If you care about the history of this game, start by playing the countryside. If you don't care about the story, then jump right into the Avengers Initiative to start playing with all six characters.
Black Widow's abilities are very useful and can be devastating in the right hands. She has an ability called Veil of Shadows which allows her to become invisible and force her enemies to attack other people, granting you a much-needed respite in sticky situations. Her other ability, Widow's Bite, shocks and immobilizes enemies for a short time, opening them up to attack. Finally, her ultimate ability is called Power Surge, during which she equips a staff and increases her movement speed and damage. These abilities make Black Widow a very skilled fighter, and she's great to have on some of the more difficult missions in the game.