Problems: N / A
Enemies: I'll let you discover this for yourself
Step-by-step procedure
Once you've walked through the glowing purple door at the end of Chapter Four, you come to the hallway that you saw through the TV in the previous chapters. As you approach, the door will open, revealing a large room with a glowing door in front of you.
When you approach this door, it will close but the one on your right will open. What you should notice early on is the music playing - it will get louder the closer you get to the door you need to go through. You'll also notice that Mono will almost crash when you approach the correct door, almost as if pieces of him are pulling away.
It becomes more important later when there is more than one door to choose from, otherwise you will spend hours going through them aimlessly and going nowhere. Go through the door that has opened and you will find yourself in a staircase above.
Climb them and go through the next door. You will find yourself in a hallway with two doors - the one you went through and another lower down.
Go through the second door and you will come out through the first door. It's supposed to happen, so don't worry. Go through the second door again and this time, when you exit through the first door, come back. You will exit again through the second door and will have to go through the first again. So for clarification, it's two, two, one, one.
This time you will come to another room with four doors open, including the one you passed through. Go through the third open door (counting the one you went through) and you'll come to a hallway with only one open door.
Walk through it and you'll find yourself on another staircase. Climb them and go through the door. The next lane has four options. Head for the door in front of you but don't go through it, just push it open. It is linked to the other closed door, so it will also open.
This time the sequence is four, three, one, and then you will end up on other stairs. Again, go up them and go through the next door.
There are seven doors this time, but first lower the plank in front of you so you can reach them all. The order is then one, four, five, and then you will end up on other stairs. Climb them and go through the door.
In the next hallway, go through the door in front of you. The interior is reminiscent of your first meeting with Six, but the music box and Six itself are larger than you remember. Six seems to be guarding the music box.
Call her several times, she will come forward and finally put the music box down. Behind where she originally stood is a mallet.
Take it and hit the music box and the place around you will start to crumble. Six will get mad so get out of the room before she crushes you.
She will now chase after you, so keep going until you reach another of those shiny doors. Go through and through the next room until you reach a ramp. Get on it and jump through the vent and you'll come to another room.
Hide under the table and Six will move forward. When she's gone, follow her down the next hallway and you'll find a door with a built-in hatchet.
Remove it and lower the door. Inside, Six keeps his music box again. What you need to do is keep your gun and call Six.
As she approaches, jump through the light-up door and you will exit the smart door on the other side of the room. You can then run to the music box and take another swing.
Mono will find himself in the dark, but to the right is another door with a hatchet. Break it down again and you'll find yourself in a room similar to the previous one, although this one has four doors.
The two of the lower level are connected, as are the two upper ones. Go back through the door you entered and you'll find yourself on the other side of the room. Call Six and come back running. You will come back through the first door and can go up the ramp to the door on the upper level. Call Six again and go through and eventually you'll exit through the door furthest from you. From there, run to the music box and hit it again.
Again, Mono is in the dark, so keep going until you come to another door with a hatchet. Break it down and go through it. You are in a similar situation as before, but this time you do not have your weapon handy. It's on the pitch by Six, so you have to get it out of the way, which is easier said than done. This is mostly done through trial and error, but the way I did it was to shout it out when I was at the first door and then jump up to grab the hatchet. From there I went through the far door on the right and after exiting through the left door I ran to smash the music box.
You are now at the final showdown between you and Six. If you try to run right at her she'll hit you so grab your hatchet and call her out. When she takes her hands away, crushes the music box. Six will walk away, giving you time to hit him one last time. Destroying the box will restore Six to normal. You don't have time to celebrate your reunion.
You are now going to have to run for your life because this great mass blobby is going to start chasing you. Escape the immediate danger and follow Six across a crumbling wooden bridge, then watch the end of Little Nightmares II unfold.