If you play Heroes of the Storm competitively, you know how volatile the game's meta can be. To help you navigate the current list of MOBA options, we've put together a list of all of the heroes, ranked by their overall strength.
For the purpose of this list, three criteria were used to define the strength of each hero. The first is their average win rate across all league ranks. The second is more abstract: we considered the strength of each hero at fundamental game-winning functions such as pushing lanes and holding targets. Finally, we've taken points away from some heroes for having too narrow a kit or playstyle, which makes them naturally predictable and easy to counter.
You can use the tier list below to get a feel for how strong each hero is in their particular role, but you should always play the heroes you like and feel comfortable with.
SS level
These are the top picks and must-see prohibitions of Heroes of the Storm, the heroes that stand out from the rest of the pack. While they still take control and knowledge of the map to play, these heroes have superior kits, great stats, and no tricky markers. If left unchecked, they can easily get away with the game.
Of these four, Deathwing particularly stands out. As the designated raid leader of Heroes of the Storm, Deathwing is immune to CCs, can deal heavy damage without interruption, and with minor caution can keep himself alive throughout the game. As one of the best heroes in the game for map control, area denial, and launching battles, he's incredibly valuable in any team build.
Level S
This short list features some of the best lane pushers and team fighters in Heroes of the Storm. These heroes do what they were designed to do better than the other choices of their respective classes.
Level A
Heroes of the Storm is reasonably well balanced at the moment, and as a result, many heroes are in this mid-tier tier. The heroes above are strong and flexible and make good choices on most maps, although they tend to contribute less to wins than the S-rank heroes.
Level B
Heroes at this level can be very strong with the right teams, but these aren't your best options in the current meta. They are either too fragile, too rigid, or insufficiently effective in their role.
Level C
While many of the heroes above have already been meta-defining and still have respectable win rates in some leagues, they aren't your best options in Heroes of the Storm yet. They take team coordination to play, tend to have niche and situational abilities, and are harshly countered by meta-choices.
Some of them, like Butcher and Kel'Thuzad, suffer from a win-plus design and fall apart unless they have a perfect start to the game. Others, like Li-Ming and Morales, are only good at one area and can't consistently help their team cross the map and win. Finally, some of these lower level Storm Heroes are so crafty that you don't need to choose them unless you intend to lead a well-prepared strategy. We're watching you, Cho.