The road to Dirt 5's release might have been a bit bumpy, but its list of trophies / achievements seems like a smooth ride. In fact, for such a big AAA title, we're shocked at how easy it seems to get the coveted platinum. In total, there are 21 trophies, including eight gold, six silver and six bronze.
If anything, the list can be seen as time-consuming as some of the metagame goals require pilots to earn up to $ 50 million, max level 10000, and cover XNUMX+ miles. If you're looking for a quick bronze unlock, there's a handful that rewards you for just trying out a mode or feature.
As Dirt 5 won't have the ability to transfer saves from the current generation to the next generation, gamers have the potential to complete this list twice - once per generation.
Bronze trophies
- Fast cars and fancy maps - Personalize and save your player card
- Handyman - Complete one of each type of career event
- Stuntmasta » - Score 30000 points or more in a Career Gymkhana event
- Graduation ceremony - Complete Chapter 1
- Extreme acceleration - Complete Chapter 2
- + 10HRSPRS - Register your first personalized livery
Silver trophies
- Long jump - Jump 50m away in a single jump
- Everyone is a critic - Evaluate a playground
- Blank slate - Build and test your first Playground
- Exhaust speed - Complete Chapter 3
- Saving change for gas? - Drive 10000 miles
- Last shift - Complete Chapter 4
Platinum and Gold Trophies
- DIRT LEGEND - Collect all other trophies
- Superstardom - Reach level 50, become a superstar
- It is practice makes perfect - Complete 10 clean laps
- Superstar story - Complete Chapter 5
- Checks and balances - Win a total of $ 1
- I'll show them! I'll show them everything! - Unlock all Throwdowns in the career
- Now i am the master - Complete the Career Superstar Finale
- No event left out - Complete every career event
- I will need new tires - Complete a 100m drift