Le Lidl shoes return for sale e the reaction is immediate: supermarkets stormed, long queues and desperate races to be able to grab the most talked about sneakers of recent months, available at 12,99 euro.
Lidl shoes are back on sale

We had already talked about it in November when the Lidl shoes they had bewitched the Italians and a good part of the Old Continent. Today they are back in vogue, thanks to renewed availability in over 680 stores Italians from the supermarket chain.
Le Lidl shoes, on sale for € 12,99, have again captured the attention of the Bel Paese, but not everyone buys them to wear them. In fact, last year some pairs ended up on eBay reaching € 100. A truly incredible success that prompted Lidl to bring the shoes back to its stores, without however adjusting the price.

The response was immediate: lon Monday outside Lidl supermarkets, the queue was created, with dozens of consumers ready to enter as early as 8, opening hours of the points of sale. Once the doors were opened there was a rush to reach the counters with shoes on, though they did not go completely sold-out. Compared to the last time, in fact, the most popular numbers have disappeared but it was still possible to find numbers from 37 to 39 and from 44 to 46.
The Lidl-mania shoes this time seems more contained but keep an eye on eBay: it could reserve some surprises for us.
Tagslidl lidl shoes Lidl shoes are back on sale: the assault on supermarkets