Il 2 May of the 1519, exactly 500 years ago, he died Leonardo by ser Piero da Vinci the Italian genius par excellence. No other figure in history can boast of having left such an indelible imprint on every subject in which he has ventured. Between painting, architecture, science, medicine e anatomy, Leonardo is the perfect embodiment of the Italian Renaissance and the great period of intellectual fervor it represented.
We have decided to remember him for his extraordinary talent intechnological invention showing you 5 of his XNUMXth century projects that have come true.
The life preserver
Although the first traces of a primordial prototype date back to 440 BC, it is to Leonardo that we must recognize the design of the first lifebelt. We find it drawn on a sheet dated between 1487 ed the 1490 which contains, in addition to the Lifebuoy, also the designs of a webbed glove, for easier swimming, and of “floats for walking on water”.
The drawing represents what has been defined as a form of buoyancy capable of saving life in the event of a shipwreck or, as written by Leonardo himself, a "Way to save yourself from a storm". The note next to the drawing says nothing about the materials to be used. However, it is thought that it could have been woven wood or perhaps wicker. The lifebuoy design was perfected over the years until 1851 when the English captain Johnn Ross Ward he devised a cork robe for his crew to wear.
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