Sony is betting everything on new titles this month PlayLink, in order to make party games more user-friendly thanks to the feature of using the phone / tablet as a controller, and "Knowledge Is Power: The Decades”Is one of the many titles coming out.
Did this party game surprise us? Let's find out together.
Wish Studios will try again
After the first title "Knowledge is power ", famous trivia game for PlayLink received positively by critics, Wish Studios gets back into the game by releasing some sort of sequel of the first game focused this time on the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, which is why it is called "The decades".
As with all PlayLink titles, you will need to download a special application from Google Play Store e App Store, without getting confused with the application of the first title since they will be two different games; the download will be available for all Android devices with a version higher than 4.4 while for iOS over version 9.0.
A negative note to be given immediately is regarding the application which, as mentioned before, can create confusion, since there are two titles with the same name on the store it would have been a smarter move to have incorporated them into one application or to have made this chapter a kind of DLC to facilitate this practice.
Let's start the challenge
Like any pre-game phase, each player, up to a maximum of 6, must be connected to the same network as the consul and then he will have to enter the name, choose a character and finally take a representative selfie.
The game modes are the same for each party game for PlayLink, namely:
- Standard Match: this mode will be the most complete and will last up to 30 minutes, where each player will have to carry out challenges or quizzes to reach the maximum score and win the game.
- Quick Match: classic mode where players will have to play quizzes quickly.
- Match Challenge: It is completely based on completing challenges, which is a type of minigame.
- Match Questions: based solely on quizzes to be answered.
The challenges and quizzes offered
In each mode, at the beginning, the possibility of deciding the year on which our questions will be based will always be offered via 4 doors, going from Years' 80 to Years' 10 immediately starting a challenge based on one of these vintages.
After the first challenge, the game will give four more choices based on the vintage previously chosen, where some examples can be "Music","Videos","Entrainment "And even the category"Cinepanettoni".
Depending on its type, each minigame must be played through its own smartphone; for example, in quizzes it will be necessary to click the right answer on the screen while in challenges you will have to use some slide or scroll movement according to the type of challenge.
The important thing is to be fast, right? Wrong, since each player before starting a challenge will have 3 types of debuff to throw at a player that will make his life very difficult, including items such as the "slime"Which will force the chosen player to clear the screen of slime before they can choose the right answer, or use the"bombs”To make the opponent's phone screen full of bombs that will block the screen for 3 seconds when touched.
At the end of each minigame, points will be awarded based on the player's response speed 400 for first place ai 100 for the last place.
Unlike other party games, the characters will not be customizable, so modes like the "Standard" one will not have a real prize if not some interesting curiosities on some topic such as "the cost of an episode of Lost" and on the most diverse themes.
Simple but pleasant style
By now it is known that Unity is the developer favorite engine for PlayLink titles, and although it does not enjoy much fame in this title it certainly is visually pleasing, where the characters have a very funny and cute style that is sure to attract the sight of a younger audience thanks to their simplicity.
The maps are visually nice and the lighting effects used are spot on for a party title with the aim of attracting as many users as possible.
Unfortunately the music will be enough anonymous in this title, but in the throes of having fun with friends you won't even have time to listen to it.
Final impressions
The title offers few challenges but many quizzes on various topics making it a lot replayable, while characters and areas with a simple but pleasant style will catch the eye of the player giving him half an hour of fun with friends, leaving out the absent sound sector.
At the price of 19.99 EUR it is highly advised, even better if the title is already on sale.