The wait is over, and Just Cause 3 has finally arrived on the shelves of shops and videogamers.
Avalanche returns to the stage
You know, the saga has always brought with it that pinch of adrenaline and madness that many other titles do not try to dare, and this time, Avalanche Studios The Mega Explosion Feature has been set and fixed in this third installment of Rico's adventures.
Although we are already in the third chapter, the saga has never been as brilliant as its rival (Did anyone say Grand Theft Auto?), But despite everything, it has always managed in some way to differentiate itself from that massive and mighty mass, giving some smile and several hours of fun in the company of a title that is not entirely excellent and not free from serious technical problems.
The introduction has already given an input on what the review will talk about, so we just have to wish you a good read of the rest.
An "explosive" start
The story will begin with Rico who will sling in the city of Medici to recapture it from the dominion that for some time has been depopulated by the general of De Medici and to do so, will launch into a conflict between the rebels and the general's soldiers.
The beginning is more idiotic than usual, as we have been used to after all, with our beloved protagonist on a plane and with a bazooka in hand ready to destroy everything in front of him.
In Medici, we find our dear old companion in adventure and childhood, or Mario, the one who will introduce us and update us on what is happening in Doctors.
Besides Mario, we will find several old companions, including Dima, who will offer us several modern technologies, including the mega-super-uber very useful grappling hook, faithful companion since the first chapter of Rico.
During the story, we will discover the presence of the Bavarium (a highly explosive element) which will make us understand the reason for all these explosions.
The story is mainly based on the liberation of Medici and offers a very light and not captivating trend, and unfortunately it will remain so until the end, giving a very soft and banal history sector.
A look at the Gameplay
The story missions are very fun, although they must be accompanied by the liberation of the territories, since at a certain point we will be asked to free a certain number of regions in order to continue with the progress of history.
Although sometimes it is fun to free the territories, many times when the positions are hidden, it will force the game to make several turns around the island, making the game phases very boring and repetitive, and as if that were not enough, the technical problems and bugs are always around the corner and ready to make us restart from Checkpoint thus forcing us to redo certain phases that we would never, ever want to redo.
The secondary tasks are mainly based on the liberation of the territories, and by some secondary missions of all irrelevant, since they are finished in a matter of minutes.
We believe that the strong point of the title lies in its bizarre nature of gameplay, since sometimes it will happen to be lazing around combining natural catrastrophes through the grappling hook or highly dangerous weapons.
Like every Just Cause, here too we will have a special menu where you can order weapons at home, and not only those, but also ready-to-use vehicles. To unlock a vehicle in the refueling menu, you will need to find it for the city of Medici and drive it into one of our trusted friend Mario's garages.
Another particular aspect of the game is the presence of many Easter Eggs, starting from the mythical Doge, up to the very symbolic and legendary sword of Cloud, we are talking about the Buster Sword, which is located in the back of a mountain stuck in the inside of it.
Even Just Cause 3 does not have a multiplayer mode, the only online functions are those of the rankings and challenges, in fact, while we will perform for example a jump with the parachute, it will tell us how long we are in flight and how long (Massimo) they took our friends.
Earlier we told you about some outposts to free, but we haven't explained how they get free. In practice, in order to free the outpost we will be required to fulfill some objectives, such as detonating a number of explosive barrels or destroying radios that transmit the words of the general, and once all the objectives are completed, we will go to raise the dear and symbolic flag of the rebels who revolt against the insidious general of Medici.
The graphics sector of the game makes its appearance, despite the drops in frame rates are around the corner, and unfortunately, the latter is not always excellent, especially during the early stages of the day there is a certain effect that jars on the models. polygonal, but fortunately none of this happens when night falls on the game.
Apart from a few secondary missions, as soon as we liberate a region, we will have several mini-games available, such as speed tests.
Many times we have encountered some difficulties in the latter, both due to a high-level challenge and for some problems that afflict the title, such as framerate drops.
The polygonal models are average, and although the vehicles are well maintained, collisions are very unreal, as some cars seem almost indestructible.
Although the developers had promised that 1080p and sixty frames per second would be very stable, this promise was completely destroyed, since the drops are there and quite frequent, also the uploads take an eternity, we sometimes even talk about several minutes and not a slight delay of thirty seconds.
The game map is very vast and also very varied, but unfortunately all of this falls on a frequent Pop-In frequency and which gets worse in the most excited situations, such as explosions.
Unfortunately there is another note that must be added to the negative ones, the game when it begins to drop by frames per second, tends most of the time to crash and completely close the application by doing so, most of the time you will lose the result obtained in that session.
Final Comment
What else to say about this troubled video game? Sure it's a lot of fun and a lot of variety, but sadly it's not the masterpiece people expected.
The guys of Avalanche Studios should push this series more, and trying to give the news that entertain the player and maybe introducing more varied missions.
Despite the problems that afflict the title are not few, it is still a good game that, if you accept these compromises, can reserve a few hours of fun in the company of the now trusted Rico.