Fuel sources are quite difficult to locate. Like the Video Diaries or Explorer collectibles, they're usually very well hidden, and most of them will only be available when you re-explore areas of the map with all of your end-game abilities unlocked. If you're lost, confused, and need a clue to point you in the right direction, here's where to find the 10 fuel sources in the game.
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To complete the quest "Round trip", You will have to find the 10 foreign fuel sources. You only need 5 to get back to Earth safely, but you'll get a better ending if you collect all 10 - and complete your investigation!

Landing Site Fuel Sources:
Fuel source # 1: Towering Crystals of Madness - The first fuel source you'll find is at the top of the Towering Crystals of Madness, the area to the far left of the Verdant Wilds of Zyl. At the top there is a small area populated by pufferbirds with this fuel in a cave.
Fuel source # 2: Plork Vertical Corridor - From the cliffs of Mt. Gzarfyn, travel to the waterfalls above the verdant expanses of Zyl. There is a canyon that leads to a cave with an alien gate. Use Shock Fruit to open the door and use Launch Thruster to complete the tricky platform challenge. The location is right above the entrance to the Meat Vortex from the leafy expanses to the quiet crevasse.

Itchy fields Fuel sources:
Fuel source # 3: Zor's Planetary Flotsam - Go left from the alien tablet near the teleporter and continue until you find a magnetic grind rail. You will need the Advanced Proton Tether to cross it. It leads to a small cave with an alien fuel source.
Fuel source # 4: Festering Chasm - Near the Festering Chasm teleporter, there is an alien tablet marking a Launch Thruster spot. This means you need the Launch Thruster upgrade to reach the secret area above. If you have it, launch to the top and use a Bombegranate to open up the cracked wall.
Fuel source # 5: Festering Chasm - To the right of the Launch Thruster marker (the one that takes you to the Matriarch's Lair teleporter), find a small cave behind a blue mushroom.
Fuel source # 6: Si'ned VII Mushrooms - To the left of the Infested Husk entrance, there is a path that leads to cracked ground. Use the Stomp Thruster to smash and collect this easy fuel source.

High Fuel Sources of the Realm:
Fuel source # 7: Pillars of Xzorgana - Use the Launch Thruster to reach the tiny island that sinks directly above the Pillars of Xzorgana teleporter.
Fuel source # 8: Pillars of Xzorgana - Under the teleporter on the island, there is a small cave visible from the platform of floating pillars.
Fuel source # 9: Pillars of Xzorgana - From the teleporter, go to the nearby floating island which you can only reach with the triple jump upgrade. At the back of the island, there is a cave entrance with green glue and cracked ground. The cracked floor is linked to this fuel.
Fuel source # 10: Crackling Pedestal - Near the teleporter, to the right, there is a floating island with an alien door. Triple jump to get to the door, then jump off the island for the door to open - this is your chance to blow the door up with a shock fruit.