The newest and wackiest Battle Royale game coming to Steam and Playstation 4 is Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, a colorful wipeout-style multi-round game full of wobbly and wavy characters that you can dress up and compete to be the best who is. The standard game costs just $ 20, but there's a second option - the Collector's Edition for $ 10 more at $ 30.
This begs the question: is the Collector's Edition worth buying? Let's take a look at what it has to offer.
Exclusive costumes

First and foremost, the Collector's Edition includes three unique costumes that you won't find anywhere else. From left to right, they are: Ecto Pirate, Fairycorn and Astronaut. These adorable costumes will make your Fall Guy look classy and stand out from the rest of the new players who may not have unlocked cool costumes yet.
Exclusive theater

Like many Battle Royale games, you also have animations that you can unlock and equip. There are two main types of “theatrics” in The Fall Guys: Emotes and Celebrations. The Collector's Edition comes with a unique emote called “Robot” where your character will do the robot dance.
10000 congratulations

In addition to the exclusive unlocks, the Collector's Edition also comes with 10 Kudos. Congratulations are an in-game currency that can be spent in the in-game store. Congratulations are not a premium currency, however, and if you play the game a lot, it can be fairly easy to earn without a premium purchase. One streamer won nearly 000 kudos over the course of a two-and-a-half-hour game. So if you approach this pack thinking that Kudos is a hard to obtain premium tier currency, beware.
Overall, the emote is a cool bonus and the kudos are a good head start, but nothing fancy. The exclusive outfits, however, are well designed, fun and full of life. We wish the pack came with more kudos, but alas: in the end, the Fall Guys Collector's Edition will only be worth it if the outfits alone are worth the extra 10 bucks.
That said, these outfits still do a really good sale. I mean, how do you say no to a fairy that's also a unicorn at the same time?