The Hyper Scape Dark Haze mode alters all the usual rules of the game. There's no teamwork, no sniping, and everyone's favorite Slam ability is gone, along with most other abilities. and weapons. This mode is minimalist and requires different and simpler tactics to win.
Don't rely on usual loads
Normally when you jump into a Hyper Scape match you know you need to find a Hexfire and some good early game abilities, which will then be traded for Armor and Ball for late game. Well, not just the meta Normal weapons and abilities are less useful in Dark Haze, but you can't use most of them. This mode is limited to just a few loading options, to suit a different and more claustrophobic playstyle.
So instead, take advantage of the fact that no one will land on you and embrace Hyper Scape's niche gear is more plentiful - like the Mine and the Mammoth, both of which can be extremely effective in low visibility conditions.
Be aggressive
There is no camping or sniper potential in this mode, and no teamwork is involved. Sure, you can hang out in a corner and wait to hear footsteps, but wasting time while others improve their loadouts around you isn't the best strategy.
Speaking of loadouts, looting isn't something you should be doing a lot in Dark Haze either. Take a gun and find someone instead. Since the items available in this mode are so limited, every time you destroy another player you are bound to find several upgrades for the things you are already using.
The pacifist victory
If you don't feel like being aggressive, I have good news for you. There is actually a way to win Dark Haze matches by hiding until the end. Simply find and optimize healing and armor abilities, then survive until the final “circle”. As the safe zone draws closer to the last players, stay somewhere close but out. Ability cooldowns are so low that you can alternate between healing yourself and gaining damage immunity with armor while waiting for the remaining players. When the gunfire stops and it's all up to you and another player, rush out to finish them off. Sometimes the fog itself will blow them away, allowing you to win without firing a single shot.
This way of winning was something that Lifeline players sometimes did in the early days of Apex Legends. Respawn eventually fixed it, and it's very likely Ubisoft will do the same in Hyper Scape - so enjoy it while you can.