The Call of Duty fan base is used to the habit of a new game revealed at the start of the year, usually via a trailer that aired during an NBA game. For some reason, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War from developer Treyarch had a late and extended reveal via Call of Duty: Warzone and a viral marketing website.
After plenty of teasing and title confirmation, Call of Duty fans will get their first look at the gameplay and story through an in-game Warzone event. Whatever this event entails, it will be a new and unprecedented moment for Warzone.
When does the reveal event take place?
Treyarch and the Call of Duty Twitter account tell fans to drop by Verdansk, the Warzone map, on Wednesday, August 26. This reveal will take place that day at 10:30 a.m. PT (13:30 p.m. ET). You will probably want to log into Warzone shortly beforehand.
Where is the reveal event?
Verdansk is a pretty big map, so where exactly should players drop off for the reveal? Prolific leak @ModernWarzone seems to have a clue. The escapee's cryptic August 8 tweet simply read “Zeus Reveal Gulag Area,” adding in another tweet that “Zeus” is the code name for the upcoming Call of Duty game.
Warzone players will know the Gulag as the place where fallen players can engage in a one-on-one shootout for the chance to respawn. And those who "know their history" are aware that the term and concept of "Gulag" is associated with the Soviet Union, the superpower that opposed the United States during the Cold War era.