You may notice that some places in Rogue Legacy 2 are a bit too far away for you to reach them without taking damage. While you might get frustrated, thinking that his poor game design is forcing you to take damage in the game, it actually hints at an ability you need to learn. There is a dash ability in Rogue Legacy 2 that you can earn, but it's hidden somewhere in the castle.
How to find the Ananke shawl
The Shawl Ananke is a random statue that you can find while wandering around the castle, so its location changes with each run. Once the test is complete, you will not have to do it again.
Power of Momentum Essay - Ananke Shawl

The first part of this essay has you running a standard catwalk until you reach a gap. You won't have enough room to jump. This is where the dashboard ability comes in, which you can do while trying this trial out by pressing the LT trigger on your gamepad or the Q or E buttons to move left and right. right. Use the capacity of the dashboard to cross this gap. The next task is to jump in the air and then cross the larger space. Go to the end of the platform to go to the next room.
Second bedroom
After reaching the next room, you have to fight against skeletons with jets of flames above your head. You don't have to move a lot, but you might have to rush to get to them before you get hit by their thrown items. Take them out before they can hit you, then you can move on to the next room. Here you find the enemies of the floating hand dagger, and there are six different platforms. Under these platforms is a row of spikes, so you can choose to jump between the platforms, but you'd better dodge, waiting for the daggers to appear for you to strike.
Wave of flames
Once you've defeated the last enemy in the previous room, you'll teleport down a single hallway where there's only a line of fire-breathing jets. Use the dashboard to get to the end, but you'll likely be hit and transported to the next room where a pair of students will launch magic attacks at you. Go to the bottom of the map, use the spinkick on the lantern, then rush to the nearest platform. Dash again to get to the other side and take them out. A sword guard will appear where you started previously. Dash towards the lantern to blow it up, then try to remove it before it hits you.
Spin to win
After killing the sword guard you are transported to a place where you have to mix up using the dashboard and the lantern spinkick to get to the other side. Eventually you'll reach a teleporter that you have to walk through, then rush to the other side, hitting the lanterns with the spinkick to get to the top. It might take you a few tries, and when you fall you take damage, but only one point. There are two instances of teleporters you need to work on before heading to the next room.

Finishing line
After going through the final teleporter and going into the next room, the final test causes you to slide down. Eventually you have to start heading towards the left side of the map which requires you to mix up using your full jump with your scoreboard. Once you've reached the end, there's the statue you first encountered to enter that dimension, and now you can rush off for the rest of the game. You will receive the inheritance of Ananke's shawl.