Acrid is another returning character from Risk of Rain who made his way to Risk of Rain 2. As always, people are curious about how to unlock this new Survivor, so we've got the answer for you here. Lots of characters will have complex ways of unlocking them, and Acrid is no different. When you load the game for the first time and check the challenges, you will see that you have to complete the "... be alone" challenge to get Acrid, and you get a hint in the description as it tells you to stabilize the cell in them. empty fields.
To begin this process, you will need to go to the Bazaar Between Worlds, which houses the Lunar Shop. As you descend to the bottom of the row of platforms, look for a hole in the wall. Be careful on the way down, you should head towards the green light which you can see well below you. Choose your target platforms carefully, then give yourself time to heal before jumping again. There will be a portal at the end of the cave. When you go through the portal, a challenge starts that you must complete. Once this is done, you will now be able to play with Acrid.
Acrid has the following skills:
Certain attacks poison enemies, dealing damage equal to 10% of their maximum health over time. Poison cannot kill enemies.
Vicious injuries
Maul an enemy for 200 percent damage. Every third hit deals 400% damage.
Spits poisonous bile for 240 percent of damage that poisons enemies on hit.
Caustic jump
Jump into the air, dealing 320 percent damage, stunning and poisoning enemies on impact. Leaves a puddle of acid that deals 25% damage.
Drop deadly poison that deals 100% damage and poisons enemies. The disease has spread continuously to up to 20 targets.