Episode 3 has arrived The Division 2. These episodes add new, free content to the game to unlock new missions and specializations for players. The game's Episode 3 segment is meant to serve as a link between The Division 2 and the new expansion pack, Warlords of New York, where players go hunting for rogue Division Agent Keener in Lower Manhattan in New York. York. There are also new features coming to the expansion, as well as a New York revisit.
For those who want to start Episode 3, you want to get to the story up to this point. The previous episodes, 1 and 2, both had additional story missions available for players. You must have reached this point before getting to the next stage, so new players will have to fight their way through The Division 2's endgame content where they fight the new enemy in overgrown missions, the Black Tusks. This group is very advanced with better gear, drones, mechs, and overall firepower, which makes those previous missions much more difficult.
When you have them available, you want to complete the Coney Island Ballpark and Coney Island Amusement Park missions. These take you to the New York area for the new missions. Unfortunately, players cannot freely roam these locations after the mission ends, but they can do so by playing them. The missions also bring back a new enemy faction, The Cleaners. They were an enemy in the First Division game who were previously sanitation workers, and they believe the only way to properly clean up disease is to burn everything and everyone else. The Cleaners make a return in this episode and the upcoming Warlords of New York expansion.
Everything in Episode 3 is available to all players. Those with the freshman pass get access to the content on February 12, and then it will be open to all players for free on February 19. Warlords of New York releases March 3 for $ 29,99.