Summer is coming, you are all always around and more and more often you find yourself with the battery on the ground in total desperation. To cope with this modern day drama we have created a small guide on how to save your iPhone battery.
Smartphones like iPhone e i device Android they are now considered a real extension of the human body, a device that anyone, today, uses on a daily basis.
There are those who spend hours and hours browsing the feeds of their timeline on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and those who prefer to use their device to play and have fun with the apps installed. In these and other situations, however, a great obstacle is revealed: the battery.
Do you want for the ultra-thin design or for the wider screens - and much more demanding on the energy profile - the new ones smartphones tend to download much faster and users are thus forced to run for cover, turning off their device or immediately connecting it to the power supply or even to increasingly powerful power banks. What if we told you that there are many methods to increase the autonomy of your phone?
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Today we will give you ten tips on how to save your iPhone battery, simple and effective tricks which can be applied - at least for the majority - also on the main devices compatible with Android.
NB: the screens you will find in this article are taken from the latest version of iOS available, the 11.4. The naming of some items, therefore, may slightly vary depending on the version installed on your device.
1. Turn on Auto Brightness
Let's start by suggesting that you activate the function dedicated to in the Settings of your iPhone Automatic brightness. Taking advantage of the ambient light sensors integrated in it, the iPhone will be able to adjust the brightness of the screen based on the amount of light present in our room: in the darkest environments we will have a lower brightness of the display, while in the sunlight iOS will set the levels taller.
In this way we will be able to prevent battery consumption generated by too high a brightness level when we are in a dark room.
Here are the steps to follow:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Generali
- Tap on Accessibilità
- Tap on Magnifying glass
- Activate the Automatic brightness tapping on the slider (On / green)
2. Disable background app refresh
Less known is the feature present in the latest versions of iOS which allows your phone to update the contents of the most used apps, automatically.
By activating this option, your iPhone it will begin to keep track of the applications you will use most often and the relative times at which you will start them. In this way, when you open the Facebook or Instagram screen you will find your timeline already updated with the latest posts published by your contacts.
An undoubtedly useful function, but which negatively affects the autonomy of the device. Our advice is therefore to disable it:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Generali
- Disabled Refresh apps in the background
3. Reduce the movement of the user interface
With iOS 7, Apple had introduced the animated wallpaper for devices iOS, adding an eye-catching aesthetic touch to Apple's software.
As you move your phone, the homescreen icons will "move" away from the background, creating a 3D effect that is very pleasing to the eye - but bad for your battery.
The notorious Parallax effect in fact it risks drastically reduce the battery life of the smartphone, as well as causing motion sickness that will be perceived by users who are particularly sensitive to this phenomenon.
Disabling this option could greatly improve battery life:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Generali
- Tap on Accessibilità
- Select Reduce Movement tapping on the slider (On / green)
4. Turn off Location / Wi-Fi / 4G / Bluetooth
Being a software dedicated to smartphones and tablets, iOS - but also Android - makes available to the user all the possible options dedicated to connectivity and geolocation linked to their device.
We therefore have the possibility to activate the GPS iPhone's built-in - allowing some apps to track our location - connect us to the network Wi-Fi, activate data traffic under cover 4G or features Bluetooth. It must be said that not all these functions must necessarily remain active and the deactivation of one or more options could result in a significant reduction in energy consumption.
To deactivate the Geolocation you can therefore access the Settings> tap on Privacy> and disable the Location Services (slider Off / white). When you are not in the presence of a hotspot Wi-Fi we advise you to disable the relative option, proceeding to Settings> and tapping on the Wi-Fi switch (slider Off / white).
You can repeat these simple steps to disable the data traffic (Settings> Cellular> Cellular data, Off / white slider) and the Bluetooth (Settings> Bluetooth, slider Off / white). These options will also be visible in the Control Center, where you can activate and deactivate them with a single tap, depending on your need.
5. Turn on Automatic Screen Lock
Let's now move on to the next one trick to avoid draining your iPhone battery. It is natural that a longer use of the screen of your iPhone will lead to a constant consumption of autonomy, especially if you have set a high brightness for the display.
However, you can set a countdown with which the phone will automatically enter Standby mode if not used in a certain period of time; at the end of the countdown the screen will turn off and the phone will lock automatically.
In the Settings of iOS you can therefore choose the desired duration for the automatic locking of the phone: the lower the option chosen, the greater the advantages on autonomy. The steps to follow:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Screen and brightness
- Select Automatic lock
- Choose your preference (from 30 seconds to Mai)
6. Turn off automatic iCloud upload
Among the different activities that the software of iPhone keeps in the background there is the automatic upload of the images in your Gallery on the database iCloud.
Continuous data upload is another way to quickly reduce the life of your battery. Also in this case it is certainly a convenient function, but not all users intend to upload every single photo of the Gallery to iCloud and they will perhaps want to choose which images to upload to the online archive.
What do you want save iPhone battery or opt for manual upload, here are the steps to follow to disable automatic photo upload:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Gallery
- Disabled ICloud Photo Library tapping on the slider (Off / white)
7. Do not share diagnostic data with Apple
When you first start your iPhone, fresh from purchase, you will be asked whether or not to share i diagnostic data us Apple. By activating this option you will allow the company to collect some information relating to the use of the device.
With the release of the latest versions of iOS, this functionality also involved data analytics iCloud, further layering the settings related to the diagnostic feature.
Either way, collecting that information in the background will result in - guess what? - the inevitable consumption of autonomy.
Here's how to turn off data sharing and thus save the battery:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Privacy
- Tap on Analysis
- Disabled Share iPhone analytics tapping on the slider (Off / white)
- Disable, if necessary, too Share iCloud analytics
8. Identify the apps that consume the most energy
On the screen of Settings dedicated to Battery you will find a lot of information related to the use you make of your smartphone and the apps it contains.
In this section of the Settings you will also find a list of the features and applications that consume a greater amount of energy, with lots of percentages that will help us understand which is the most "harmful" app for the battery.
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These will inevitably include applications related to mobile browsers, such as Safari, Chrome e Firefox, but don't ignore social apps like Facebook e Instagram, among the most demanding in terms of energy consumption.
By viewing the offending apps you will also have access to some options on how to prevent them from continuing to reduce their autonomy, by disabling the automatic refresh of the contents - see above - or by temporarily deactivating the application itself.
9. Activate Energy Saver
Remaining inside the Battery screen (Settings > Battery) you will also see the option to enable or disable the mode Energy saving.
Now considered a must, this feature is present both on devices iOS - starting from iOS 9, and Android ones, manufactured by Samsung, Huawei, LG or other brands.
The option can also be easily reached from the Control Center of iPhone.
To summarize, here are the steps to take:
- Go in Settings
- Tap on Battery
- Activate Energy saving tapping on the slider (On / green)
10. Recharge the iPhone less frequently
Touch to specify that the activation of the Energy Saving mode will be recommended to us by the same iOS, when the autonomy of ours iPhone will have fallen below the threshold of 20%. Beyond this limit it is strongly recommended to connect the phone to the power supply and start charging the battery, avoiding the use of the device.
In this regard, our warm advice is to charge your iPhone less frequently, to safeguard the health of the battery. If you connect the phone to the power outlet while the autonomy still marks 70 or 80%, the software of the device will consider 70 or 80% as the total capacity of the battery - instead of 100%.
We therefore advise you to use the iPhone until it is almost completely discharged, bringing the autonomy to 20% - or even less - before connecting it to the power supply again.
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Iphone battery save battery How to save your iPhone battery (and more): our tips and tricks