Two apps that we recommend

Have you ever happened to use your smartphone while driving, to check the latest message on WhatsApp or to make or answer calls? Obviously it is a very dangerous practice, rightly sanctioned by the Highway Code with fines ranging from 160 to 646 euros (the minimum reduced to 112 euros if paid within 5 days) and a 5-point deduction from the driving license.
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To use your mobile phone without incurring the wrath of the law, there are several alternatives:
1) Connect the smartphone to the Bluetooth stereo system (in the most modern cars)
2) If there is no Bluetooth system, use a speakerphone (a speaker device that mounts easily on the sun visor)
3) Use Bluetooth headsets, as long as they do not require the use of hands, allow the driver to maintain good hearing and are not used on both ears
4) Read messages and notifications on Android
In this regard, Google's digital assistant comes to our aid, which responds to messages from WhatsApp and other instant messaging apps using voice commands in national. Just say Ok Google, "Send a WhatsApp message to> "and the message text.
But how do you make sure that incoming messages are read? The Google assistant, for now, in the national version does not. For this it is essential to contact third-party apps.
Among these is available one completely free and created by the national developer Mario Pelissetto. His name is Reader of free notifications, SMS messages, emails and is on Google Play.
It is a rather complex app, as its author recalls, but once configured for basic operations, the advanced options can also be ignored.
Once started, the apps you use most often to exchange messages on your mobile phone are detected (usually WhatsApp, Gmail and Messages): enable them by dragging the slider to the right. In this way, voice notifications will be received on all incoming messages.
By touching the icon options you can customize the Bluetooth profile used to manage other devices (the most typical, the car stereo system).
Another good (and free) app is ReaditToMe, which allows you to read any sms and message coming from the app. It supports any language and the only paid features are app notifications and voice replies.