What Paris did in fleeing with Helena, taking her to Troy away from the Spartan king Menelaus, was done out of love. He and Helen fell for each other immediately, and by bringing her to Troy, he brings war. He must prepare for the invading army by bringing together the warring factions and gain the glory of his father before his brother, Hector, to obtain all of Troy. Even though he is called to war, he cannot stay away from Helen and visits her regularly to keep their mood bright or brings her to him, which can be costly if miscalculated.
Helen, my love and Priam's heiress
Paris has two essential mechanisms to watch out for during its campaign. The first is Helen, My Love, where Paris must give up everything in order for Helen's happiness to be as high as possible. Helen starts at Larisa Troas, but you can move her as Paris moves around the map.

By default, Helen is happy, giving the province she is in positive growth of 45 and 10 happiness. If Paris does not visit her, she turns dark in four turns, which replace the positive effects for negative happiness of six in that province. If Helene is dark for four turns, she feels lonely and the province receives a negative happiness of 10 until Paris visits her.
Paris can invite Helen to participate in a Grand Fest, a skill show, or a prayer rally to provide a province with unique bonuses. Here are the bonuses for each celebration:
- A great festival:
- Positive growth of 75% for the province
- A positive influence 10 for the province
- A positive influence 10 on adjacent provinces
- A demonstration of competence
- Recruitment costs for all army units are reduced by 20%
- All units register 700 experience points per turn
- A gathering for prayer
- Positive happiness 16 for the province
- A 50% increase in Priestess ritual favors
The second mechanic you need to watch out for is Priam's whims. You are one of Priam's two heirs and you compete with your brother for your father's influence. There are different tasks available to gain Priam's favor, and three bonuses are available. A bonus can only come out once, so you have to beat your brother at that approval rating to receive it, and by reaching the Heir of Troy marker at the end, you receive all the provinces of Troy and your brother. in a confederate.
Paris playing style
You have to take your time with Paris because he and Helen have to stay close to each other. While Paris should have a strong army, its chosen heroes and generals will have the strongest armies to do most of the fighting. You want to make sure that Paris keeps Helen's temper and he makes sure his provinces prove to his father that he is worthy to inherit the throne of Troy.

Paris has some of the best archers in Troy. Use them to his advantage to keep him away from the main fights and employ many fighters to keep the main force of the army away from its best units. These form large defensive units to protect the walls of powerful capitals. Recruit princes of Troy to serve as the backbone of your armies, and use noble Troy tanks to flank your enemies' melee units. Place the champions of Troy in the front, alongside the Phrygian warriors and the Phrygian axes, to keep them alive.
Homeric victory
Homeric victory is the special victory path that the faction leader may choose to follow. It is not an obligation for your faction to play this path. You can also achieve Total War victory goals and win the game.
You must meet these conditions to achieve the Homeric victory in Paris:
- Complete all 12 stages of the Heroic Journey of Paris mission
- Destroy the Mycenae, Ithaca and Sparta factions
- Have at least 600 favors with Aphrodite
You have to take your time with Paris, or you can easily find your countryside overwhelmed and stretched. Your ultimate goal should be to focus on appeasing your father, so find the fastest way to expand your first provinces to have the best buildings, and carefully expand your territory, while keeping Paris close to you. Helen. Defeat the father of Paris, and all of Troy will be yours.