Hector will always be at the side of his brother, Paris, whatever the choices he makes. Even if this choice brings potential destruction to Troy and his people. Paris returns to the other side of the seas with his new wife, Helen, who had previously been with the Spartan King Menelaus. It's up to Hector to bind the warring tribes together to fight the looming threat and ensure that the walls of Troy never fall. It will take diplomatic patience and cunning to save him. You also have to prove to your father that you are a better choice in Paris to run your family's future.
The Assuwan League and Priam's heir
There are two unique mechanics that you should watch out for when playing Hector. The first is the Assuwan League, the main mechanic that leads Hector to work with the other tribes surrounding Troy, uniting them under one banner. To do this, you must reach out to the various tribes to create defensive and military alliances. The more alliances you make, the more the Assuwan League grows. Because you want to give Hector plenty of allies to call for his help, you don't focus on expanding your territories unless you have little choice. The others go to your allies to grow, which makes you more robust in the process.
Here are the alliance conditions for each level of the Assuwan League and the bonuses you receive:
- Ilios: This alliance is active with less than 4 allied regions.
- Friends of Ilios: This alliance is active with more than 4 allied regions, giving your units a 10% morale boost while defending.
- Pact of Strength: This alliance level is active with more than 10 friendly regions, giving your units 8% campaign movement range and increasing morale by 15 while defending.
- Growing League: This alliance is active when 20 or more allied regions are working with you, allowing you to reduce recruitment costs by 5% for sword units, 12% campaign movement range and increase morale 20 during defense.
- Mighty Alliance: This alliance is active when 40 or more allied regions are working with you, giving you 10% less recruiting costs for sword units, 16% campaign movement range, increasing morale by 25 during defense and decreasing the upkeep of all troops by 10%. .
- Assuwa: Final bonus is active when 60 or more allied regions are working with you, reducing sword unit recruitment costs by 15%, granting 20% campaign movement bonus, increasing morale by 30 when defense and decreases the maintenance of all troops by 20 percent.

The second mechanic you need to watch out for is Priam's whims. You are one of Priam's two heirs and you compete with your brother for your father's influence. There are different tasks available to gain Priam's favor, and three bonuses are available. A bonus can only come out once, so you have to beat your brother at that approval rating to receive it. Upon reaching the Heir of Troy at the end, you receive all of the provinces of Troy and your brother in a confederate.
Hector's style of play
With Hector, despite being Paris' top fighter, you spend quite a bit of time playing the diplomat. It would be easy to expand its territory and defend it from the hordes coming across the sea. However, it is also much more useful to work with the surrounding domains to find allies. As these allies work together, trying to build each other up, you can create allies and trade between them to give your res