Sam is a delivery machine in Death Stranding. His job as a legendary porter is to make deliveries all over America no matter how far or how long it takes. However, players must learn how to optimize Sam's weight during his travels. Here is the most efficient way to do it.
How to optimize the loadout in Death Stranding
Death Stranding is a game where players optimize their inventory space to get the most out of each delivery experience. If they have too little of it, a long drive from point A to point B will not give the best results. However, if Sam is carrying too much, he's more likely to trip and have difficulty maneuvering around the landscape or avoiding enemies. It's about how much Sam can realistically transport between places.
The fastest way to ensure that the player is optimizing their loadout is to open the Load Management page. You can do this by clicking the "Options" button on your PlayStation 4 controller and going to the "Cargo" menu option. This menu is where all the information about what Sam is carrying on his person. All you have to do is press the green "triangle" button on your controller, and the game will automatically optimize Sam for loading.
You'll want to do this before every trip, as you not only have to worry about the goods going to your customers, but also all the gear you want to take with you. This gear includes spare boots, container repair spray, ladders, rope, portable chiral builders (PCCs), and anything else you think may be useful. You never know what you'll need on your trip, so it's best to prepare yourself before you go.
You don't want Sam carrying too much gear at the start of his journey, as you might find lost cargo or materials across the world. Sometimes they were dropped by NPCs trying to make a delivery or by other players. Collecting these goods is a great way to get more bonding and love from fulfillment centers when you return them. If you are carrying too many of them, you can always drop them off in a nearby mailbox so that another player can pick them up and finish them for you. You don't get all the preferences for not completing the delivery, but to help you get quite a few. They are worth your time to pick up.
If you grab some new gear or use gear strapped to Sam's shoulders, forearms, or thighs, be sure to redistribute any new gear you find. You can do this at any time during a delivery by accessing the Manage Freight page. Doing this is going to make Sam sway less when he walks around and protect valuable cargo during combat.