With the arrival of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, fans can't wait to begin their journey to create their perfect paradise and make it a perfect home for their villagers. An important, sometimes overlooked aspect of this process is naming your island when you start the game. What's a good idea for that? Before you decide, you need to know a few things about the name of your island.
The name of your island cannot exceed 10 characters. Whatever you find, you need to make sure it stays within that limit. It doesn't give you much freedom, but it's pretty decent. You can probably write the name a few times to see what works for you and see if anything sticks out that defines the character you want to be Animal Crossing in. It is important to remember that you will not be able to change the name of your island once you get settled there, so it is better to feel comfortable there than to decide on a name and there. think later.
You can always just name it after your favorite location in the world, a color and combination of names, name it after yourself, a pet, your favorite book, a favorite author, or create a combination of different things. The sky is the limit when deciding on a name, as long as you keep it under 10 characters. It can feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you can't change it.
For anyone in trouble, a handful of people have created Animal Crossing: New Horizons Island Name Generators. These individuals, Samuel Fine and Gravesounds, made sure that you stayed within the 10 character limit for the game. You can repeatedly press the Generate button to see if any of the random combinations connect with you, and if so, feel free to grab it and run it in your game. You might want to write it down and tweak it a bit, to give it a personal touch.
There are dozens of things to do in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, like picking up gold nuggets, harvesting fruit, playing with friends, and even unlocking in-game reactions. Have fun in your Animal Crossing trip. , and make sure you spend plenty of time exploring the game.