From our official GamersLance website, we want to offer you different ways on how to Earn Money selling Photography through the Internet, Apps and Social Networks (like the now so famous OnlyFans). In this post we will explain 11 ways in which you can work online with your creations.
Whether you are a professional photographer or a lens enthusiast, there are several ways to make money online with your photographs.
The good news is that most of these require only a small investment.
When it comes to putting a talent (or passion) to good use, there's no place like the Web to find the right opportunity.
You can find a way to build an entire career, or simply find a second source of income.
After all, who wouldn't feel comfortable rounding out their paycheck with a few extra euros?
Who knows, you might even find the right business idea to create a successful new business.
In this article we will look at the top ten ways to make money with photos, but before we get started with the list, let's do a little introduction.
The only ingredient you really need to get started is "credibility". If you have a credible and professional image, it will be easier to succeed in the business.
And the first step to gaining credibility is to create a website that speaks about you and your work, available to anyone who wants to "look you up online" before investing in you.
To do this, we have prepared a step-by-step guide that shows you how to create a website for photographers, without the need for technical knowledge and with a quality guaranteed by the best designers in the world.
Read it before you start with the list!
#1 Sell your photos to image banks
It may not be the most profitable of the options, but it is the most immediate and easy to do, in fact it does not require any investment.
And then we have to start somewhere, right? The database one can really be your starting point.
There are many websites on the Internet that allow you to upload and sell your photos.
Simply sign up for the respective programs and be willing to give away a percentage of your income (20 to 50%).
While each photo only constitutes a small percentage of income, you can always bet on volume: photo after photo, your savings will increase, to the point of generating a fixed profit.
And never say never! One of your photos could even be chosen for an advertising campaign or cover.
Among the best-known image banks I point out:
- iStock photo
- Fotolia
- Dreamstime
- Shutterstock
- Stockxpert
Create your profile now and start uploading your photos.
#2 Work with an online magazine or newspaper
By now, all the major magazines and newspapers are also, or exclusively, online.
But there are also a lot of lesser known websites that publish news and articles online on a daily basis.
Here comes another opportunity to try to make money online with your photographs, moreover, with hundreds of international magazines that, necessarily, need photographic material.
Our advice is to contact these publishers by email or phone and try to understand if there is room for some collaboration.
Try to write a convincing email, without attaching heavy images, but make sure there is a good link to your online portfolio.
The most interesting thing about this path, but also its challenge, is the possibility of developing a really interesting network of contacts, to the point of specializing in a certain field and being recognized as the source to contact in case there is a need for related photos. to the topic.

#3 Create your own photography blog
It's not certain that the only way to make money with your photos is to sell them. How?
If you have an unmistakable style or a passion for a specific subject, you can create a photography blog and tap into outside sources of income, such as placing ads on your blog.
All you have to do is maintain a consistently high level of quality and post content consistently.
Traffic will follow accordingly.
To help you choose the theme for your photo blog, we have also written an article that reviews the best WordPress themes for photographers, read it carefully to find the perfect one for you.
#4 Sell photo eBooks
No one can resist a good photography book, even better if it's digital and available on any portable device.
So here's another idea for your photography business.
Nowadays, you don't need to find a publisher with a bombastic name to publish a book: you just need to have the right content and know how (already who) to sell it.
First, collect your best shots.
Then use one of the graphics programs or online software to design them in an attractive and professional way.
Finally, take advantage of one of the channels that allow you to sell your new book directly online: from specific websites to your ecommerce, remembering to promote it as much as possible.
But I recommend it: it's a niche photographic e-book. Choose a specific and original theme, and make it the essence of your collection.
In this sense, we also recommend you another article that explains how to publish an eBook on Amazon.
#5 Create a Flickr profile

Even in photography, the social element is fundamental and Flickr is the most legitimate channel to create a professional profile.
In fact, there are several famous photographers who use it as a showcase: Marsel van Oosten, Michael Fatali, Kirsty Mitchell, Dirk Franke and many others.
From fashion to travel, this site is a guarantee when it comes to giving visibility to your portfolio.
Upload your best photos and you will see that someone will notice them.
A tip: to make the most of this platform and make a name for yourself, interact with those of other users by always writing interesting and intelligent comments.
This is one of the best ways to make money online with your photos and get considerable exposure.
#6 Open a sightseeing photo tour site.
If you live in a beautiful city or scenic location, you can organize photo tours for visiting tourists.
Create your website with information about the service, the planned stops and the possibility to book online.
Each member will pay a participation fee and in return you will accompany the group to discover the most beautiful photographic sights in the area, as well as give technical advice on how to get the perfect shot.
#7 Get started with Snapwire
Snapwire is an application that is having a lot of success on the web, even giving amateur photographers the opportunity to earn money with their photos.
What does it do?
Anyone who needs a photo for a site, a campaign or any other purpose, creates an ad on the platform indicating all the desired specifications.
In practice, it allows anyone to find a photographer ad hoc, without spending a fortune.
You can use it to propose your works and earn money online with your photographs.
Again, a single sale won't change your life, but by focusing on volume, the music changes.
Keep it open as a side hustle that I told you about in this article by committing to checking the ads from time to time.
Like any freelance platform, reputation is everything: so work hard at it and, if you're patient, you'll see your earnings increase.
#8 Contact online art galleries
Are your shoots more artistic than commercial?
No problem, in fact, even better!
This is the perfect way to stand out from the crowd and start a career as a photographer.
The web is full of art galleries stomping around the idea of finding the next photography talent. Do a search and save your contacts.
Once you've selected the ones that best fit your style/subject, send them your best, most unique and creative work, making sure it follows a common thematic and stylistic line.
Of course, getting a response will be more difficult than in an image bank, but the gain increases exponentially.

#9 Create a wedding photo site
The world of weddings is a world that sooner or later any photographer must collide with.
The reason is very simple: this is where the money goes.
Every day there are new couples organizing their wedding and the photographer's is almost always a must presence.
This affects both professional photographers with an excellent portfolio and more amateur, but still very good photographers.
Depending on the couple's budget, there is no shortage of work for either category.
Create your website and propose yourself as a freelance photographer for weddings and special occasions. You will discover a very large and potentially profitable market.
Remember to choose a theme appropriate with the subject matter being covered. If you already know how to set up a WordPress site but need help customizing a premium theme, you can help by taking our course on advanced WordPress themes.
#10 Create your own image bank
Why not try creating your own instead of relying on the big image banks?
Once you've developed a substantial enough portfolio, you can sell the photos directly from your website, applying the same business logic as any image bank.
This way you won't have to pay royalties and users will know who is the author of the shots.
If your intention is to create an eCommerce to sell products online you can follow our wizard. It will teach you how to make a working platform in no time.
#11How to make money selling free foot photos
First of all, let's give some scientific notions for those of you who have laughed or smiled at this custom that may seem outlandish to you. Look at pictures of feet. and enjoy looking at pictures of feet is a paraphilia. That is to say, a perversion. A somewhat "borderline" subject but one that meets many curious and passionate people. Needless to say that satisfying those looking for foot pictures pushes many common web users to try: why not? selling foot pictures online? If someone likes it and finds it exciting, then there is nothing wrong with it. Also because times have changed and nowadays having "sexual fetishes" is no longer seen as something to be completely repudiated. Do you think that some scientific research has brought out a curious truth: many men prefer to look at beautiful feet than beautiful breasts. Or rather, they look at feet first and then breasts. That said, you should know that you can't open your Ebay account and make an ad with a picture of your feet. the Online Sale discourse in the case of paraphilias is slightly different.
How to take pictures of feet
Photographing feet does not require great photographic talent but a minimum of good taste. So, change it up from time to time and, finally, sandalwood. Make your feet do things, like walking on the grass, or stepping on something like grapes, in short, contextualize the photo from time to time. Add a small logo or watermark on the surface to make it difficult to "steal" the photos and send them without your permission. Here's how to take photos of your feet. Ready to create your book? If you are a man or a woman, it doesn't matter!
Selling foot photos, how to do it
Now that you have the fetish photos of your feet, you need to find a way to sell them. The first thing you need to do is create a social account. On Instagram you could create an account just with photos of your feet. Just think that hashtags that have to do with feet, both in Spanish and English, make a truly remarkable boom of visits. You'll get to know yourself and then sell some more special photos privately. Also on Facebook, adhering to some thematic gruppi, you will be able to sell the photos mentioned above. Your Tik Tok the famous Influencer @djsbeercave is well known precisely because she sells photos of feet! Foot fetish photos don't have to be serious, but they can also be fun, so you can add some special effects to them.
How to sell foot photos on specialized sites
Beyond social networks where you can do everything independently and then get paid, for example, on a PostePay, there are also several sites that specialize in fetish photos. There are sites that specialize in foot photos! These sites may charge a small commission on your earnings, but you will not have to deal with buyers. One very famous site in this regard is called Foot Finder . But not only. Let's read on to discover another site that can do it for us.
How to make money selling foot pictures
According to some market surveys, more and more men are attracted to female feet even before other body parts such as breasts or buttocks. And indeed, the market for selling feet online is growing! In short, having beautiful and well-groomed feet is an extra gear not only to make conquests, but also, and why not, to earn some extra money. In this sense, a site from which you can try to sell photos of your feet is La Vicina di Casa: a reliable and safe site from which you can sell photos of your feet legally.