Kela De Thaym is the Grineer boss of Sedna. Like many other boss fights in the game, it's broken up into a few separate parts, and Kela will drop parts of the Saryn Warframe when she dies.
To start the fight you will need 25 Judgment Points which you can get by fighting in the arenas of Sedna. When you charge into the mission, just run to the waypoint to start the boss fight.

Step 1
The first step is to get to the fight and you will have to face a light puzzle. You will enter a room with four light pads on the floor. There will be one enlightened for each team member. Everyone has to stand on the pads to rotate the circular panels on the wall, and you'll need to shoot the bright green lights behind them along with the rest of the team. Bringing a weapon like the Ignis will make this pretty trivial, as the weapon will ignore armor and strike to hit the target.
When you have them all, the ground will rise, bringing you to an arena where Kela is located. Damage her to the point where she has lost a third of her health to take the fight to the next level.
Step 2

Kela will hide behind a barrier as she calls into Orbital Strikes. These hurt a lot, so they should be avoided at all costs. Again, you'll have to do the same spinning wall puzzle, and all the while, more orbital strikes will drop. Go through this part as fast as you can.
Kela will come back when you have them all, the betting is much more mobile this time. The fight will progress again when she loses a third of her health.
Step 3
The rest of the fight just repeats the section where you dodge orbital strikes and take out targets on the wall. Once that's done, you can fight Kela for the third time, but this time she'll be right in your face, so powerful melee weapons are a great option for this final section.
Tips and tricks
- The Ignis makes the target parts of the wall trivial.
- Rhino Stomp will freeze Kela, allowing you to deal damage to him and making the damage phase extremely easy.
- Nova's antimatter drop will essentially be a one-hit Kela for each damage phase. Combine with a Rhino for easy shots.