The Gloomharrows are arguably the hardest enemies to defeat in Windbound. These purple lizard-type enemies can do quite a number on you on Survivalist difficulty, and they're more than a match in Storyteller mode too if you're cocky.
Having the right weapons and the right strategy will give you an edge over any Gloomharrow you come across. It should go without saying, but make sure you only tackle one Gloomharrow at a time. They sometimes come in pairs, and trying to kill two at a time is not recommended.
First of all, make sure you have a strong spear, bow and arrows. You could get away with a leather slingshot and oil or poison bombs, but a bow and arrow are faster to aim and shoot.
Draw your bow and shoot one or two arrows. This will take a few bars off their health gauge before they realize you are attacking. Once they realize your presence, replace your bow with your spear.
The Gloomharrows are vicious up close. Get too close and Gloomharrows will rush at you to grab a bite or slip to the ground. Both attacks leave you vulnerable to other damage, so make sure you're locked onto them and dodge when you see them about to strike.

If you dodge at the right time, they will be open to attack. Use your spear to stab them - twice if you're quick - before they can react. Most of the time, however, Gloomharrows will dissipate in a cloud of black smoke after your first attack. Stay locked even if they are not there because, more often than not, they will reappear in the same location.
Sometimes Gloomharrows will put some distance between you and them. They can reappear in the distance and, if they do, they will use their poisoned tongues to attack you. If they catch you, they'll throw you to the ground and poison you, slowly depleting your health.
If they emerge from a distance, prepare to dodge. They can perform two attacks in quick succession, so always be prepared to dodge twice. Once they're done, you can close the ground between you to try and stab them, or equip your bow and shoot a few arrows.
Repeat these steps to defeat them. If you are having difficulty and you are in poor health, you can run away and eat food to help yourself.