Because you play a post-apocalyptic delivery boy in Death Stranding, the weight you can carry is very important. While you can have access to vehicles, you still want to be able to load as much cargo as possible onto your body during many missions. The good news is that as the game progresses there are ways to increase the weight you can carry.
How to increase the weight you can carry in Death Stranding
A fairly easy way to increase your weight limit in Death Stranding is to just make deliveries. Completing deliveries between distribution centers on time and with undamaged cargo will give you good marks. These grades will slowly but surely increase what you can take. It's not a quick process, but it's a gradual improvement throughout the game that will make the difference.
As you walk through the story, you will have access to a new item that allows you to wear powerful Skeletons. These mechanized suits allow you to carry a lot more items. They are battery powered, so you have to take that into account. If your Power Skeleton runs out of battery in the desert, you will have to make some tough decisions about what to leave. As the story progresses, you can upgrade your Power Skeleton.
Another very useful tool to help you support more weight is the floating rack. This floating platform will levitate behind you and you can drop a lot of goods on it.
Finally, the game contains many vehicles which can also help you transport more goods to your destination.
The real trick is to deliver as much freight as possible, as quickly and safely as possible. Most of the ways to increase your carry weight are related in one way or another in history, so this is the only thing you can really do to try and do your best to increase the weight. that you can wear.