When grouped with other players in Fallout 76 using the Public Teams feature, you and your teammates will bond together on a regular basis. It's the blue bar that you see passively going up next to all of your names on the left side of your screen where you can see their names. By having a higher bond level, all public team members benefit from more substantial passive buffs based on team activity.
The bond counter passively rises the more time you spend in groups with your teammates and surrounding yourself. You can receive the maximum benefits from being part of a fully linked public team by completing all four available member slots and fulfilling each of their obligations. Each of your public team's different objectives can give you and your team a different passive buff.
- Hunting - Bonus: + 25% XP for legendary attacks (100% for a fully linked team)
- Roleplay - Bonus: +1 Charisma (+4 for a fully linked team)
- Events - Bonus: +25 percent XP for completing events (100 percent for a fully linked team)
- Exploration - Bonus: +1 Endurance (+4 for a fully linked team)
- Building - Bonus: +1 Intelligence (+4 for a fully linked team)
- casual - Bonus: +1 chance (+4 for a fully linked team)
You and your public team can only have one of these focuses active at a time. You can switch between to give you the best results when switching between the available activities. It shouldn't take you and your teammates too long to acquire maximum bond. The process should take less than ten minutes in a group playing the game together.