Destiny 2 Thunderlord is a ridiculously fun exotic heavy machine that spits death at everything downstream. Any kill with the weapon will activate the Reign Havoc perk, causing the Arc Light to hit the ground around the target, resulting in an incredibly effective wave.
When the weapon was first introduced for Destiny 2 during Season of the Forge, it was attached to a brief quest that all players could complete to get their hands on it. Unfortunately, this quest is long gone, and Lord of Thunder can now be obtained from Exotic Engrams, bringing a large degree of RNG to the procedure. To get your hands on some Exotic Drops, you can play Crucible matches, defeat tough enemies in the game, complete weekly Powerful Gear challenges, rank your Season Pass, and just hope and pray for an Exotic Engram to drop for you.
Night trials are a great place to try and grow exotic plants, but they're quite difficult and you'll need a fire crew for them. The higher the difficulty of the Ordeal Nightfall, the greater the chance of an exotic drop.
Thunderlord Statistics
- Impact – 41
- Range - 64
- Stability - 55
- Manipulation - 46
- Reload Speed - 69
- Magazine - 62
- Zoom – 15
- Setback - 70
Benefits of the Thunderlord
- Reign Havoc - if you kill with this weapon, arc lightning strikes from above.
- Polygonal Rifle - The barrel is optimized for recoil reduction.
- Piercing Rounds - Rounds deal extra damage to shields and penetrate targets too much.
- Rounds of Lighting - This weapon shoots faster and more accurately the longer the trigger is held. Continuous damage generates lightning strikes.
- Feed Frenzy - Killing with this weapon decreases reload speed for a short time.