There is a new selection of weapons in Destiny 2 called Ritual Weapons. You can receive them from Lord Shaxx, The Drifter, and Zavala. You have to complete their respective quests to earn these weapons.
Upon completing the Drifter's quest, Get Closer, he hands you the Python Shotgun. There are several things you need to do for The Drifter, while playing in the game's Gambit matches, which is an NPC and player-versus-player oriented game mode.
To complete Get Closer, you need to:
- Land 500 shotgun final shots
- Hit the last gunshots at close range
- Reach the rank of "Heroic" Infamy in Gambit
Shotguns are a great weapon for Guardians who wish to engage their enemy in close combat. Most NPCs and other guardians can barely withstand a point blank shot from most shotguns in the game. However, missing can spell the end for you, so you need to make sure every shot counts.
Those who play Gambit may find that the “Heroic” rank will be the first thing they do during this quest. You only need 2050 points, and winning a single match earns you 120 points, while losing earns you 65. It shouldn't take you too long to climb the ranks and complete this part of the quest.
You may find the shotgun kills in Gambit doesn't offer too many challenges, but don't let your guard down. Going through the army of enemies could be a bit tricky, especially if you don't have too much friendly support. Things only get worse when an enemy Guardian invades from the other side, intending to hunt you down.
Here are the perks available for The Python:
- Aggressive frame
- Smallbore
- Extended Mag
- Overflowing or binge feeding
- Disoriented shield or punch one-two