Adaptation in Warframe is a powerful mod that grants your Warframe damage resistance, stacking up to 90% resistance. What makes it so powerful is its reactive resistance, effective against the types of damage you are actively taking. This makes it suitable for any tanky build you want to perform and any enemy you might be up against.
Adaptation can be achieved by performing trade-offs. These challenging missions will only give you one life and increase in difficulty with each spin. Make sure you grab them with a Warframe that you can be sure can survive.
To access arbitrations, you must have completed at least once all the missions available on the star diagram. The only exceptions are the Mutalist Alad V and Jordas Grolem nodes. If you would like to check which nodes you still have to complete, you can do so by talking to the Hexis referees on one of the relays.
Adaptation statistics:
- Rank 0 - Damage Resistance + 5% for 10 seconds, to a max of 90%, costs 2 mod abilities
- Rank 1 - Damage Resistance + 5,5% for 11 seconds, with a max of 90%, costs 3 mod abilities
- Rank 2 - Damage Resistance + 6% for 12 seconds, maxing out at 90%, costs 4 mod abilities
- Rank 3 - Damage Resistance + 6,5% for 13 seconds, to a max of 90%, costs 5 mod abilities
- Rank 4 - Damage Resistance + 7% for 14 seconds, maxing out at 90%, costs 6 mod abilities
- Rank 5 - Damage Resistance + 7,5% for 15 seconds, maxing out at 90%, costs 7 mod abilities
- Rank 6 - Damage Resistance + 8% for 16 seconds, to a max of 90%, costs 8 mod abilities
- Rank 7 - Damage Resistance + 8,5% for 17 seconds, to a max of 90%, costs 9 mod abilities
- Rank 8 - Damage Resistance + 9% for 18 seconds, to a max of 90%, costs 10 mod abilities
- Rank 9 - Damage Resistance + 9,5% for 19 seconds, with a max of 90%, costs 11 mod abilities
- Rank 10 - Damage Resistance + 10% for 20 seconds, maxing out at 90%, costs 12 ability mod
How adaptation works
Whenever you take damage, you will get a resistance tick to that type of damage. At rank 0, you will gain 5% resistance for 10 seconds. If you take damage of the same type within 10 seconds, you will gain 5% additional resistance and the timer will reset, giving you an additional 10 seconds.
If you use the Rank 10 mod you instantly gain 10% Resistance, then an additional 10% if you take more damage of the same type over 20 seconds.
You can stack resistances to multiple damage types at the same time, and they will all have their own timers and resistance levels depending on how many stacks you have built for that particular damage type.
The real reason for ranking the mod is to make sure you hit max resistance quickly and stick with it for as long as possible, but many players are happy to upgrade the mod to Rank 7, feeling that it gives a good balance. between the resistance available and the speed you can create the stacks at and the overall cost of the mod.