Rimworld had a surprise DLC, Royalties, launching alongside their 1.1 update. The new expansion introduces a new way to play the game with new traits, such as characters becoming royalty and earning titles. These titles allow the character to enlist the support of additional NPCs, should they need it. To get a royal title, you must complete a quest on behalf of the game's new factions.
You must complete a quest given to you by a royal faction to receive a royal title. These quests will vary in severity, such as protecting a Royal Ambassador from a rampaging squirrel attempting to attack them. They may need to stay in your colony for a few days to recover properly, which means you need to give them as much hospitality as possible to someone of their stature. A quest will become available at random, so naturally play the game and work on your colony until one appears. When a quest appears, look in the lower left section and you should see an option to accept a royal favor or not. This section allows you to know if it is a royal quest or not, as well as the description of the quest.
After completing the quest, a character in your colony who has accepted the quest receives Royal Points for completing the quest. The more Royal Points you earn from one of the Royal factions in your game, the more rewards and benefits you receive for that particular character. However, as their rank increases and they gain more Royal Points, their specific needs increase and they become more strict in what they desire in their colony. For example, they may start making requests of other people in their establishment or need a specific type of bed for sleeping, such as the royal bed, curtains, a throne, or something to show how good they are. have become worthy.
You have to be careful when asking a character to get a royal title as their needs increase. If you can't meet them, they might become more difficult to control in your colony. You can choose not to accept Royal Points from a Royal Quest, thus obtaining other available rewards from that faction.