The bane of any golfer is stuck in a bunker. Bunkers are extremely difficult places to play, thanks to its cavernous and sandy nature. In real golf, playing in these can be extremely difficult, as more often than not you will have to perform a shorter backswing, as well as take into account the amount of sand between strokes. Fortunately in the PGA Tour 2K21, you won't have to worry about these technical details, but it's important that you know how to get out of a bunker anyway.
First of all, the type of club you use in a bunker is essential. Irons and conductors won't work, but a wedge, especially a sand wedge, should do the trick. Make sure that when you are in a bunker you have a sand wedge that you are comfortable using in 2K21. If you feel like you need to change clubs, use the top or bottom of the controller to rotate the clubs in your bag.
Once you've chosen your club, it's time to take into account where you are on the course. If the bunker you are in is close to the green, there is little room for error. In order to get out of this pickle, first press Y / Triangle to see where the automated target is. To properly prepare for success, make sure this target is several feet away from the cup. The reason is that if you hit the white marker instantly (which would be the perfect power) while the target is too close to the cut, more often than not the ball will roll past the hole and you could be put. in a tight stop. But if you move the target back, the chances of that happening are greatly reduced and you will be in a better position once out of the bunker. Use the left stick to push the target back, as it may pay dividends later
For bunkers on the green side, the target is key. For bunkers that are further from the green, the target is also important, but you don't have to be so precise with it. Instead, you should focus more on getting as close to the green as possible and starting from there. However, keep the wind and its direction in mind, as this will also have an effect on the golf ball.