Genshin Impact doesn't overwhelm you with premium currencies. There are a handful of them, and yes, in order to receive many in-game characters you have to pay attention to them, but you don't have to use real money. Instead, you mainly need to play the game and earn Primogems by completing achievements, questing, fighting, exploring; almost all in-game activities reward you Primogems. There are two different premium currencies, Masterless Stardust and Masterless Starglitter, which you can use to receive weapons and characters directly, but obtaining them requires you to fulfill your wishes.
You can use these currencies in the shop, but you must go to Paimon's Bargains, under the Starglitter purse. There are various characters, weapons, artifacts, and even Intertwined Fate and Know Fate that you can purchase directly using this currency. This is a great way to bypass any Gacha format to directly receive the items you want to purchase, rather than leaving it to chance in other wishes.

However, you only receive Masterless Stardust and Masterless Stardust. To avoid using Wishes to directly unlock characters and gear, you must use Wishes to unlock those currencies. It's not the worst thing in the world, especially when you think about how many wishes you can make just by playing the game, exploring, and making the content.
You receive Masterless Stardust and Masterless Starglitter depending on what you receive for your wishes. Here is the breakdown.
- Duplicate a 5 star character - 10 Masterles Starglitter, 1 Stella Fortuna for them
- Duplicate a 5 star character (maxed constellations) - 25 Masterless Starglitter
- Duplicate a 4 star character - 2 Masterless Starglitter, 1 Stella Fortuna for them
- Duplicate a 4 star character (maxed constellations) - 5 Masterless Starglitter
- 5 Star Weapon - 10 Shining Stars Without a Master
- 4 Star Weapon - 2 Star Masterless
- 3 Star Weapon - 15 Masterless Stardust
The odds are not too bad. You can receive the best deal by having a duplicate 5 star character with all of their constellations at most. This gives you the most. The others give you a decent slice and depending on how often you ask for wishes, that's a stable income that you can use in the Paimon's Bargain store.
Be sure to check back regularly for these offers as items for Masterless Stardust and Masterless Starglitter rotate monthly. The higher your Adventure Rank, the more items you can buy closer to the bottom, giving you a more complete selection.