Even the most powerful leader has to worry about a future without an heir. One of the best ways to get suitable heirs in Crusader Kings 3 is to have children, and for that you will need to be married. There are two ways to find a suitable partner in the game.
The two methods will have their own advantages and disadvantages and should be used in different circumstances, depending on exactly what you want to achieve with a marriage. Remember, marriage can be a powerful tool in attracting allies closer to you or turning potential enemies into a party vested in your own kingdom.
Right click on the portrait of the character you want to find a partner for, and you will see two options, "Find a spouse" and "Arrange the marriage". The two are slightly different.

Find a spouse
The Find a Spouse option will open a list of possible mates for your character from different counters around the world.
Arranged marriage
The arranged marriage option will give you a list of potential partners which is limited to your own court. If you want to make matches between your own Brokers, this is the best option. They can also be used to forge an alliance within the court, ensuring that characters who wish to have a better relationship with the characters and get them as your allies.
Find the right partner

There are some important things to consider about your potential spouse, and if you are looking for someone to provide a lot of possible heirs, you will need a spouse with a high fertility rate. You should also consider that there are certain traits that will be passed down to children, which may lead to pros or cons depending on the trait. It is better not to place all your hopes on one heir, as the world can be a cruel and treacherous place for young family members.
You can open a filter that will allow you to narrow down the options based on the traits, alliance, skills or personality types that interest you, as well as other options. By clicking on the character you wish to marry, they will be added to the Recipient side of the screen, and you will be told if that character's Lord will accept the marriage. Otherwise, you will have to find a new lover.
If you really want to have a wedding, but another character is against it, you can use a strong hook or a weak hook to force the issue.