Gara uses her control over the glass to protect her allies and smash her enemies. Sashtered Lash grazes enemies with a whip of broken glass, while Splinter Storm will protect all friendly units and damage enemies. Spectrorage traps enemies in a prison of mirrors, forcing them to damage themselves. Mass Vitrify, her ultimate ability, creates a ring of glass that will protect anyone inside. Enemies trapped inside are crystallized, and Shatter Lash can be used to smash through walls, sending sharp shards tearing apart enemies.
How to get Gara
You can get Gara's main blueprint in the Saya's Eve quest. To access this quest, you must have completed the Vor Prize quest and have a mastery rank of 1. You must also have completed at least one bounty on the Plains of Eidolon, which can be obtained from Konzu in Cetus, Earth. When all of this is done, talk to Konzu and choose the "A personal favor" prompt. After that, play the quest step by step.
It's a pretty straightforward quest, with the exception of one recurring bug. A white objective marker should appear on your map for the first step when Konzu asks you to find Says, but this often bugs, forcing you to hunt down Saya yourself. If you must, turn left from Konzu and follow the outermost path around the market. If you are facing Cetus with your back to the Plains Gate, you must be heading on the right path. You will eventually pass a red hut and approach with blue banners near it. Saya will be there. If you go up and interact with her, you will be able to continue the quest. After that, everything is very simple.
To get Gara's system, neuroptics, and chassis blueprints, you'll need to complete bounties for Konzu, as they drop as random rewards when you complete a stage.
- Chassis - level 5-15 bounties, a possible reward in stages 2 and 3
- Neuroptics - level 20-40 bounties, a possible reward at stage 2 and stage 3
- Systems - level 10-30 bounties, a possible reward at levels 2 and 3
When you have all of Gara's blueprints, you can build her in your foundry using the res